Tucked in a corner of the Miami Herald is this very, very bad news, this guy votes the opposite of everything I believe in.
Here is the entire article because it is so important:
"The more things change, the more they stay the same at the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority. County commissioners have returned Gonzalo Sanabria to the 13-member board of directors.
Sanabria, 59, served on the Expressway Authority from 2002 to 2006, but wasn't reappointed by then-Gov. Jeb Bush when his term ended. A Cuban-born economist-turned-commercial developer, Sanabria will be finishing the term of longtime MDX board member T. Gene Prescott.
Prescott was one of four MDX board members who abruptly resigned just before July 1, when stricter new financial disclosure rules became law. The other three slots, which had been held by Darryl K. Sharpton, Cesar Llano and Justin Sayfie, remain vacant and await gubernatorial appointments.
Sharpton was recently succeeded as MDX chairman by advertising executive Maritza Gutierrez, a longtime ally of County Commissioner Natacha Seijas and the wife of Miami political operative Armando Gutierrez. (Me: That is just great, Ick.)
''I'm very happy with the new regime that's on the board,'' said Sanabria, who was immediately appointed to chair the MDX Technology and Business Development Committee."
From his bio: He served as Chairman of the Miami-Dade County Planning Advisory Board for five consecutive years, and as Director for the Latin Builders Association. Mr. Sanabria is a Trustee Member of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce.
He has been -- by far -- the worst member of the Planning Advisory Board. A word to the wise Commissioner Sally Heyman: He doesn’t live in your district and he doesn’t work in your district. Dump this crappy guy. He is your appointment. Why is he your appointment on the Planning Advisory Board?? He voted on everything that is wrong in this county and against most of your votes. I know he gave to your campaign Sally but get someone from your district. We have 4 or 5 members from Coral Gables on the Planning Advisory Board, it is too many from one place.
And Barf on that Maritza Gutierrez appointment on MDX. These two will be so bad for our quality of life, I can’t believe it. Watch Board Appointments people they are a symptom of what is wrong in our community! More about the MDX:
From their website: MDX is a state sanctioned, locally administered, public agency created in 1994 by the State of Florida and the Board of County Commissioners of Miami-Dade County. MDX is governed by its Board, comprised of 13 volunteer members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and the Governor of the State of Florida. MDX oversees, operates and maintains five expressways: State Road 836 (the Dolphin Expressway), State Road 112 (the Airport Expressway), State Road 874 (Don Shula Expressway), State Road 878 (Snapper Creek Expressway), and State Road 924 (Gratigny Parkway).
Press release on Maritza: (July 10, 2007) - The Board of Directors of MDX has elected Maritza Gutierrez to head the governing body which oversees the Authority. President of Creative Ideas Advertising, a full-service marketing and public relations firm in Miami, Ms. Gutierrez becomes the first woman to serve as Chair. She will serve a one-year term.
“In my business, I believe in building a strong consensus among the audience we target,” said Ms. Gutierrez. “These are the same principles necessary to move the mission of MDX forward. We have a new strategic plan in place and we need to build on that; making the tough decisions that will positively affect mobility and, ultimately, South Florida’s economy, for generations to come.”
That last paragraph is scary! To see Much More on Gonzalo Sanabria, who was the Natacha Seijas of the Miami Dade Planning Advisory Board: Enter his name in the search - top left of this page.
The foxes guarding the henhouse...
Take a look at his clients straight off of his website;
Gonzalo Sanabria, President and Founder
Real Estate Works, Inc.
Gonzalo Sanabria has an uncanny ability to understand real estate and all aspects of future trends, as well as the highest and best use of a vacant parcel – whether it means acquiring it, developing it, re-zoning it and/or marketing or co-venturing it with the right group of partners. It is a gift he discovered while attending Windham College in Vermont where he got a degree in economics.
While working as an economist doing feasibility studies with Futura Investments and Realty Group in Miami in the 1970’s, he helped a friend who asked him to find a piece of land near Doral. Having attended night school to obtain his real estate license—while still tending to his day job-- he was able to find a suitable parcel that gained him a $17,000 commission check – far more than his annual salary at that time.
It didn’t take Mr. Sanabria long to realize that he needed to switch careers. Upon doing so, he rapidly became the perennial top sales volume producer as a young salesman in prominent local and national brokerage firms until he branched out on his own.
Since that time, Mr. Sanabria has bought, syndicated, acted as an equity partner, developed or sold more than $400 million worth of land and improved properties in South Florida and throughout the entire State of Florida.
Over the years, Mr. Sanabria has worked with locally, nationally and internationally renowned companies which include: Terrabank, N.A., Greenberg, Traurig, Hoffman, Latin Builders, Inc., Atlantic Gulf Communities, Vulcan Mining, Century Partners and Century Builders, The Adler Group, Monaco Homes, Caribe Homes, Baptist Hospital, RaceTrac Petroleum, Burger King Corporation, Lennar Corporation, LNR Commercial Properties, Republic National Bank, Camdem Properties REIT, Ocean Bank, Capital Bank, Foreign Investments, Inc., Speciality Sales, Inc., The Oxford Group, Equity Mortgage, Dornbusch Investments, K-Mart Corporation, Larkin Hospital, Banco Exterior de Espana, Banco de Bilbao, Winn Dixie Group and Publix, among others.
Mr. Sanabria has long been an active member of the community. He recently served as Vice Chairman of the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority. Additionally, he served as Chairman of the Miami-Dade County Planning Advisory Board for five consecutive years, and as Director for the Latin Builders Association.
Mr. Sanabria’s successful track record and his 30-plus years of real estate experience have earned him a place as one of South Florida’s most well-respected real estate veterans.
In the words of Mr. Robert H. Traurig, a well-known and pre-eminent real estate attorney and founding partner of Greenberg, Traurig, Hoffman Law Firm; “Gonzalo has repeatedly shown me an extraordinary sixth-sense of quickly and clearly recognizing and acting expeditiously on transactions that no one else had even thought about…..he is always way ahead of the pack”.
In addition to his real estate expertise, Mr. Sanabria enjoys aviation training, playing tennis, riding his Italian sports bikes, boating in the islands and spending time with his wife and children.
Mr. Sanabria, his wife Nancy, and their two sons, Victor and Eric reside in Coral Gables, Florida.
What are the risks of having these types of individuals in control of MDX? What is MDX up to?
Sanabria MUST disclose his conflicts of interest, to the Planning Advisory Board. This goes for ANY deals that he worked on or is working on, outside the Urban Development Boundary.
During the last round of UDB applications, he failed to do so.
There he was, assuring the public that everything would be OK if the applications were accepted, when he was clearly involved (we can see now) in major real estate transactions totalling millions of dollars.
And you wonder how Miami has been despoiled...
As always money talks. If you contribute money to any politician you can then get any appointment you like. I know I can buy any position I wanted just by giving the person who makes the decision MONEY. No one cares about your personal values nor your propensity to make decisions harming most of the public.
He has been conflicted on the PAB for many years and never recused himself. Just listen to his votes and you know he is acting in the best interest of his wallet. He is one of those board members who keeps talking and fighting until he gets his way. A sorry excuse for a community representative.
You move people smoothly = more building allowed. Look out Kendall!
Your thoughts about Gonzalo Sanabria are horrible and unintelligent. I know this man and he is very generous. You obviously have some hatred towards him for some personal reasons. Don't be jealous of his stature because he has been reappointed on the MDX board of directors. Just learn to deal with it, sorry you maybe are mad that you weren't able to be involved in MDX yourself. But there is no need to take it out on this innocent man. Or maybe you are mad because you couldn't get that job in the Miami Herald so you post your meaningless thoughts on "Blogs" which a minority of people actually read and take into consideration.
yeah, like i would ever work for the Herald. Putz.
and....you don't have to read the blog then we will have 3 readers instead of 4.
While we're at it... we need a bus line that runs from Miami Beach to Brickell, without the need to transfer. In fact, why not create an "express bus" that goes from Aventura all the way to Coral Gables and stops in Sunny Isles, Bal Harbour, North & Middle Beaches, South Beach, Omni, Downtown, Brickell, and Grove/Gables, and back. I promise you it would be very popular and heavily utilized!
Jealous of Gonzalo's small stature...that is a laugh. He remains the worst person to ever serve of the Planning Advisory Board. He is infamous in his role there. EVERYONE, who wasn't a developer, who went to their meetings hated him for his votes. No one ever had to guess at his vote, he ALWAYS voted for any development coming down the pike. He wouldn't know smart growth from a banana.
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