We have our own local politician that appears to mirror Donald Trump: John Dubois. According to the Miami Herald today:
County ethics investigators have released a close-out memo that says the Palmetto Bay’s vice mayor has a conflict of interest that precludes him from voting on anything involving the Palmetto Bay Village Center on Old Cutler Road — a development that has polarized the small city for months.He had better hope it is false because the developer and his partner mentioned that John Dubois, before he was in office, tried to get 2 units from the developer at cost promising not to oppose the project (page 7 of the ethics complaint).
The report was released by the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics just days before the village council is set to cast its final vote on reversing an earlier action approving the development. And despite the commission’s finding, Vice Mayor John Dubois said he’s “voting anyway” at a special meeting on Saturday.
“This is a witch hunt. To come out with an non-binding opinion three days before the vote is the typical political game — especially when there’s lot of money at stake here,” Dubois told the Miami Herald, adding that ethics report is “simply false.”
Not convinced he might be a tiny tad like Donald Trump, take a look at this 2014 video that has gotten 71 views in 3 years (remember he is said to be the only one to contribute to this non-profit):
Now you all to have to remember that the ethics commission finds very, very, very few people guilty of ethics violations. Even though John Dubois was found guilty of a violation, he still insists he will vote on the very violation he has been found guilty of.
The Miami Herald said in a headline, "Get this vice Mayor angry and he might sue."
In a deposition he admitted he has paid private investigators to follow county employees. When he has a beef he just won't let it go, like the Tweeter in Chief. More from the deposition (asking the question is as a county attorney, answering the question is John Dubois:
Q Your website also says: Miami-Dade Citizens For
14Property Rights will help you battle the dark lords of
15Miami-Dade County government.
16 Who are the dark lords of Miami-Dade County government?
17Because I've looked and we don't have a title of dark lord
18anywhere in our entire government agency.
19 A We have one sitting in the room.
20 Q Are you referring to me?
21 A No, I would never call you a dark lord.
22 Q Well, then who specifically are you referring to?
23 A The predatory enforcement agents that work for some of
24the county agencies, including Mr. Ricisak (was in charge of inspecting mangrove damage for the county)
25 Q So, it's your position that Mr. Ricisak is a dark lord
1 of Miami Dade County?
2 A Absolutely
As far as Citizens for Property Rights (not connected to Dubois' attorney who practices at Dubois's address), the non profit uses the Attorney's email:
![]() |
Look at the EMAIL ADDRESS |
I have to say, with all due respect, that Palmetto Bay residents that voted for him appear to be assholes.
At least we have someone actually looking out for the residents here in Palmetto Bay! 500 more homes on Old Cutler Road would be a disaster. Go Vice Mayor Go!
Anonymous - So you would prefer a potential 620 homes and no natural area to having only 485 homes and 22 acres along Old Cutler filled with trees shielding the view of the Village Center from the roadway?
The Palmetto Bay Village Center can build 400 residences. The fact that some must be senior housing is irrelevant given that means one person over 55. When the covenant on the 22 acres that lines Old Cutler expires (soon), the Village Center can request to build 220 additional homes, and it is likely they will be able to get approved more than the 85 they are requesting now. And to build these homes they will have to destroy a pineland area.
Some people in Palmetto Bay clearly can't recognize a good deal when they see it.
First poster... and at least you have Donald Trump looking out for you on the Federal level. Putz. Seniors drive you know. They are not invalids. It isn't a nursing home.
This is just another example of a sleazy politician using his office for an agenda that is not in the best interests of the community. Voting for this vice mayor is a big mistake. He does not care about the community, only himself. The recommendation not to vote should be followed due to Dubois scheming to make money off the project. He should be removed from office.
Anon 2 - the 22 acres are already protected, no residences can be built there. Even before the covenants were placed on the property there was an agreement between the property owner before Burger King and the County that the area would remain as a conservation area and buffer. Since then the covenants require no development and there is a parks and recreation zoning designation which protects the 22 acres from residential development. This is the whole point, the "deal" the village got is illusory. the only thing VPB will be getting are more maintenance bills while the developer is laughing all the way to the bank.
Anon 3 - How is the Vice Mayor making any money off of this? The report itself says that he has no relationship with the developer or property owner of the burger king property.
Nancy Lee
low ratings
low I.Q.
aesthetically challenged
wanna be
whose candidates and causes
Always Lose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love how whenever she compares anyone to DJT, they always win. I love even more how everything she cares about and works for is going to be destroyed over the next few years.
Nancy must be having a tough day :(.
"She's always having a tough day. She's drier than the Everglades"
-Mr. Nancy Lee
Looks like I got under John Dubois' skin. You can't get under mine. Look who is talking about a low I Q -- the big bully. One thing I will correct you on. I graduated summa cum laude. The rest go ahead and believe what you want. However Daniella is in power, remember that Porter, Anderson and other underdogs.
7,000,000 views vs. 71. They must be doing something right over at Eyeonmiami.
You must be one sick puppy. The issues she care about Palmetto Bay residents care about and also work for.
"I love how whenever she compares anyone to DJT, they always win. I love even more how everything she cares about and works for is going to be destroyed over the next few years."
At least she isn't over-weight like you John! Or in Singer writing for you now.
You must've hit a nerve Genius! Lots of disparaging remarks but they're always waiting on the edge of their seat to see what you write!!
You are a Republican, that is a given. Everything you said tells me that. Mean spirited, making up untruths and happy that Donald Trump is destroying the environment.
We'll have to see what happens. John may be the deciding vote on Saturday. If he votes, he may lower the number of units to be built, but will undoubtably be hit with an ethics charge that he'll have to defend. Would a court sustain it? Is living two houses from the Palmetto Bay Center enough to give him a conflict of interest? We'd have to see. DuBois has the money to pay for a trial lawyer and an appeal. At least he'll give a law firm a bump in their cash flow. And he'll either win, or face sanctions which might include removal from office.
Palmetto Bay will go the way of Opa Locka: bankrupt. The ethics report will be the icing on the cake in Silver's civil suit if Dubarf votes.
Talk about losing? Palmetto Bay will lose 22 acres of pineland/rockland and potentially 40 million in a lawsuit. Singer and Cunningham have got to look past the politics and vote NO.
As usual, most of the commenters here have no idea about the protections that are actually on this land. Stop getting your information secondhand. It is public record - the covenant on the land is not environmental. It is only visual - just a visual buffer - and it's set to expire. For Pete's sake even the guy that wrote the original covenant came to talk in front of the council and stated the covenant had no environmental protections. A vote yes on Saturday leaves the 22 acres vulnerable to development.
So what if she is ugly, stupid, boring and has a low IQ, no one reads her blog and her husband is stuck with her? What does that have to do with the subject at hand, vice mayor Dubois and his unethical practices?
Not one person here pro or against the development is phased that a sitting councilman is using his company to sue the Village he represents?? Wait until April Burch figures out that she owes 27,000 dollars or the taxes on a gift of 27,000!
Yes indeed, they got the DJT script just right. Repeat the same old lies again and again and they become the truth. Listen you lying deplorables, covenants are worth crap, and they have a lifespan even though they are crap, and this covenant which is crap is about to expire. After which on those 22 acres along Old Cutler they can try to build up to 200 units theoretically. You JD trolls are despicable in your constant lying and in disparaging EOM who has been doing good public service highlighting political BS and corruption for decades. Enjoy your wicked coven and eat toad.
For the record, the Republican Party should ban him due to him suing the government which costs the tax payers. The is not being fiscally responsible nor conservative.
Do you think the human remains found along Old Cutler just a few hundred yards from his house is related?
Thanks Genius of Despair for keeping us informed. Public officials who don't want to live a public life, should resign. Public officials who do not want to handle conflicts of interest appropriately, should be taken out of office through either voters or administrators in higher levels of government. The mayor and Village officials should not sign any related legislation where Little Johnny voiced a vote.
I hope the mayor intervenes to prevent investigations and legal actions from the State of Florida. The charter gives him the sole authority to deal with other governmental authorities in Article 2, Section 1. The charter does not give any other official or charter position the authority to represent the Village in dealings with other governmental entities. It seems if a vote of council is to be investigated, the Mayor would be held responsible to handle all of the subsequent consequences. I think Genie boy needs to stand up to prevent more waste of tax payers' money.
Also, anyone who is talking about other matters is just doing so to distract the public from the truth.
Palmetto Bay government is full of bullies and jerks. I don't know how a town with such great citizens can elect such clowns to represent them.
Thanks Genius of Despair for keeping us informed. Public officials who don't want to live a public life, should resign. Public officials who do not want to handle conflicts of interest appropriately, should be taken out of office through either voters or administrators in higher levels of government. The mayor and Village officials should not sign any related legislation where Little Johnny voiced a vote.
I hope the mayor intervenes to prevent investigations and legal actions from the State of Florida. The charter gives him the sole authority to deal with other governmental authorities in Article 2, Section 1. The charter does not give any other official or charter position the authority to represent the Village in dealings with other governmental entities. It seems if a vote of council is to be investigated, the Mayor would be held responsible to handle all of the subsequent consequences. I think Genie boy needs to stand up to prevent more waste of tax payers' money.
Also, anyone who is talking about other matters is just doing so to distract the public from the truth.
Palmetto Bay government is full of bullies and jerks. I don't know how a town with such great citizens can elect such clowns to represent them.
Seems that as usual, there is a certain individual who can't articulate very well. Instead of trying to use his big boy words, he lowers himself to insulting others.
Me Burch's property is listed for sale at 5.1 million dollars. Doesn't seem like she'll have any trouble paying. The opinion never says that a company Dubois owns is suing the village. An attorney can have clients outside of a non profit they work for. I don't see the issue there. Also, there has been a ban on development on the 22 acres since 1973 when the previous property owner agreed not to disturb any Forrest along old cutler road with the county. For some reason neither the village or this blog likes to mention that.
As to the human remains, maybe this is what Kowlessar jr. had on him. No one could understand why he defended pedophile Kowlessar(now in prison), held a fundraiser for him and stood against an innocent little 9/10 year old girl and her Palmetto Bay family. The VM lives a strange life hold up in his home alone, no family, just some strange cronies who have hated him at one time or another, even campaigned against him. Another cronie's home was busted last year for child pornography.
Anon 1973, you're way off base. Better read the ethics decision again. They specifically delineated how Dubois's company is related to Burch's attorney fees. C'mon no one honest has this much crap and constant litigation in their past. This cretin even went after the county worker who checks mangroves. He went after Genius. Better stay anonymous everyone or he'll come after you, too. What a waste of Palmetto Bay's resources.
Genius is dynamic and smart. She is a smart cookie.
I was involved in the very original covenant on that piece of land... It was 1400 units... not what you have now.
What I know and have learned in my many years of dealing with zoning, covenants get broken just as often as they get written. And certain attorneys who wrote many of the South Dade covenants wrote in poison pills that would make them legally easy to dump. So, what I am saying if they can get away with not notifying homeowners within the legal distance range of a hearing site (that was the last one) don't hold your breath that a covenant that is set to expire will hold water.
Amen, Youbetcha. And we've got the buildings on top of wetlands and pinelands to prove it. With enough money/mitigation no type of land is safe.
Sorry Ross my mistake
The vice mayor doesn't understand the concepts of ethics or shame. This will not end well for him. It is what tragedy is made of. All we can do is watch the fall.
John DuBois is the great American HERO according to the speakers at the village council meeting. Developers one and all.
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