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The Miami Herald, in an article about South Miami, asks: "What is noisier than leaf blowers?" How about the Peacocks in the North Grove? Woof, I walked through the area to see what all the Peacock fuss was about and they can be really annoying. No you couldn't give me an apartment for free there. Peacock crowing is worse than a rooster because I was there at about 3pm. I suppose they do it all day? This is what it sounds like, there was one on someone's roof doing this.
The Democrats want this seat in Congress very badly. They just don't have anyone to run. There are a lot of Dems in the district. Last time they ran a re-tread, Joe Garcia. He looks the other way when I am around because he is too busy talking to IMPORTANT people. He is the only Democrat I don't know that I can think of. Didn't Curbelo vote for this insane healthcare bill with all the pre-existing conditions problems (You pay through the roof if you have one, and everyone has one). Ever had a prescription for Xanax? Let's see, who can we run. First where the hell is his district?
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Whoever drew this district should be shot. |
Well, this is a very stupid district. You have the Elephant's burial ground area with no people (West Coast), mixed with zanier areas of Miami-Dade (like Hudstead and West Kendall), and the free-wheeling Keys. Curbelo has two National Parks in his district and almost all our environmentally sensitive land and a lot of the coast but he only sponsored 8% of Environmental Protection Bills, and 8% of Public Lands and Natural Resources bills? Well, He also has FPL's NUKE plant so you know they will throw wads of money at him.
Who can we run? Besides Joe Garcia. How about that Orchid guy in the Redland? Okay, how about Homestead Councilman Stephen Shelley? Is he even a Democrat? He goes to the Everglades Coalition Meetings, no one else does from Homestead.
He is good looking, that is always a bonus. Does he speak Spanish? That would be a bonus too. Looks like that area South of Sweetwater is very Hispanic. Or, you would have to have someone move into this district, not a pleasant idea unless they want to move to the Keys. I guess I would do that if I ran here.
Okay, folks I am busy getting old at this keyboard so I am going to go. Read the damn blog post and comment!
You forgot that Shelley was one of only a few witnesses to Steve Shivers Las Vegas wedding?! I call that being too cozy with the devil.
They are not friends at all Shelley says. Which wedding, Shiver has been married a lot.
Curbelo tries to come off as a moderate, but his votes in congress show him as one of the pack of republicans who want tax cuts for the rich, deny science, and are fine with taking programs away from poor people who need them most.
Congratulations, the best blog we have!
He may try to hide the association but.....besides that, he wants to please everyone and has not been able to set himself apart form the rest of the dummies. A perfect fit in Congress.
Congratulations again on this great blog!!!! What about talking to Kathy Sorenson to see if she had any students from that area who may be good? Also, what about service providers who need to move from job to elected official? Congress people get a salary, I think about $175k, and have their own staff. What about the colleges or universities, any professors in that area who might want to run?
Any vote for a congressional Democrat candidate is a vote for the senile, stuttering and stupid Nancy Pelosi.
I see what you mean about the peacocks. Where can they be relocated? Now is the time to come to the aid of your country. Every one wants to ride in the wagon enjoying the benefits of our democracy, but few want to get out and actually push the wagon, make it go, nurture it, protect it from foreign powers, and maintain the rule of law that creates our stability and protects the values we hold dear.
To the 2nd Anon above . Re: Pelosi,
Is that the best you can do? Take another bong hit and try again.
You live in a subtropical location - if you want urban, buy a condo on the 65th floor and never come out of it.
Peacocks are not native to our area. What are you referring to. This is an urban area with a a warm temperature.
Miami Beach cannot enforce a noise ordinance for leaf blowers. That would require the police having sound pressure meters. If they took sound readings of the nightclubs they would have to close them down. Of course the nuisance abatement court in Miami Beach is nonexistent and the city uses special masters who are not sworn judges (no court order ability). I'm pretty sure the Herald already knows this. Miami Beach also pays several Florida acoustical engineers for rooftop nightclub noise test, these tests are done before the clubs ever open. Strange the paper had no comments from acoustical engineers that work with the city. The New York Times often quotes their famous acoustical engineer, but is very careful to not talk about specifics with testing inside multifamily buildings.
SOUTH Miami not Miami Beach. Get your Miami's straight.
Carlos Curbelo has the most sour face in congress, to save his seat he needs a major facelift.
I realize the above anon reference to Pelosi is a troll. However, I do think that the Dems need to put a fresh face to the party and stop with the usual retreads as leaders. Pelosi is obviously a skilled politician. One does not rise to her level by being a dumbass. Her constituents re-elect her. When I hear people complaining about others' elected representatives, it irks me. You can only elect those in your district.
South Miami to pay $90K for cops who crashed girl’s quince -Herald JANUARY 13, 2014
-Mayor Philip Stoddard attempted to add more specific language about what “annoying” means and decibel level maximums at a commission meeting last August, but city leaders voted 3-2 to reject the proposed changes. He said that moving forward the city will attempt to look at the entire ordinance and do a “complete overhaul.”-
Dr. MS, who is a Miami Beach resident was mentioned in a link in the leaf blower article. The taxpayers pay for employees who are essentially writing violations which the city knows are unenforceable. One of the largest government scams I've ever seen.
Pelosi would make a great President. ACA would get fixed, Medicaid would be expanded, old people would have food on Meals on Wheels, hungry poor people would have food stamps, scientists could go back to EPA because it would be funded, our friends in NATO would know we would be there for them if any of them are attacked, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change would be signed and many other things- - - in short, she could make America great again.
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