Friday, April 14, 2017

Who the hell is writing Donald Trump's tweets? By Geniusofdespair

Donald Trump's last tweet, saw it when I woke up this morning.

Pollyanna have you taken over Donald Trump's Twitter account?

From mean and vindictive to ridiculously optimistic,  this is not Donald Trump tweeting anymore. Too big a shift.

The President does know about Putin doesn't he? Even I think this is totally unrealistic.

It is like the last line of a Fairytale. Maybe they have Melania writing his tweets now with the help of Barron.

What does Neo-Nazi Anglin think of this twitter post:
Honestly I’m so pissed off, I don’t even care anymore. This is all so unbelievable that I still can’t hardly believe it’s happening.

I mean, selling us out is one thing.

But selling out absolutely everything he stood for within a week’s time is too much.

He has clearly been infiltrated, but you would think the infiltrators would understand how insane this appears.

Apparently only me and the Neo-Nazi's are focused on this tweet. What does that mean?

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