Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Race To The Bottom: Rubio wins Today. By Geniusofdespair

What an about-face our Senator has made. Get up Marco, Trumps' Boots are clean.
Congratulations, Marco Rubio you actually bottomed out below the Donald today. A letter to the editor of the Miami Herald put it best:
No Wunderkind: Sen. Marco Rubio kicked off 2017 with a bang! His harsh questioning of Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson was passionate, patriotic and brave. Rubio shredded the oil man about his dealings with Russia and Iran. He even showed compassion for Putin's  in Aleppo.

Gone, I thought was simpering "Little Marco." Rubio has become a man of character and integrity, a fearsome warrior who would fight for the people of Florida and the United States. 

And then, in a cowardly Facebook post, Rubio announced that he would vote for Tillerson. 

This tremendous reversal of sentiment could have only been brought about by promises of extra money and power for Rubio. What did he get? A fancy committe Post? A private plane?

Well, I hope it  was worth it. for not only has he betrayed his State and your country he has betrayed himself! - Tereska Bella, Miami Beach
Rubio's excuse: "I believe the president is entitled to significant deference when it comes to his choices for the Cabinet," - Marco Rubio

Where is your deference to women, what happened to that? To Hispanics? Marco, you even voted to reverse pre-existing condition coverage. Where is your deference to sick people? You only care about the President, not us? You folded like a piece of paper. YOU BOTTOMED OUT.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He traded something for his vote.