A former top watchdog in Miami-Dade government claims he was ousted over his efforts to expose widespread financial mismanagement in the county.and:
James Rosenberg used to run audits for the Inspector General office, but says he was fired over his aggressive questioning of how the county was spending its transit tax and other funds. “It’s a case of killing the messenger,” Rosenberg’s lawyer, Bill Amlong, said Friday.
This week, the county’s ethics board (ethics chief worked with Cagle at Rundle's office, I hope he recused himself) rejected Rosenberg’s allegations...
Cagle warned Rosenberg last year that she would fire him in part over his inability “to deal professionally with high-level County officials (WTF? me)and who do you think the HIGH LEVEL official was:
Gimenez’s spokesman, called Rosenberg’s accusations insulting. (the one who I suspect has ordered the cooking of the books.)and:
His (Rosenberg) complaint centers around an accounting dispute that was the subject of the June 2016 audit that Rosenberg supervised. The report concluded that over the course of seven years, Miami-Dade improperly charged the transportation tax and other restricted revenue sources for $15 million in overhead expenses, including vacation time. The audit found the expenses should have been charged to the general fund, a more than $1 billion pool of money made up mostly of property taxes.
I was not a fan of Mary Cagle even before she was hired. I was at Mary Cagle's interview in October 2013. One thing she said particularly upset me:
One applicant said they would forge relationships and meet with commissioners (MARY said this). ICK on that one. How about arms length? You might be investigating some of them, hopefully, we don't want you to be their friends. No relationships. If someone is going to spill their guts it is not because you are their friend.
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Look at his experience with transit. He was there for 16 years. |
This sucks big time. We know this is going on "Budget shell game" with the Transit Sales tax increase you idiots all voted for. Where are all the projects? Stop voting for bonds too.
I wish Rosenberg luck because I believe him. And look around, isn't transit just great?
This appears to be another example of transit tax funds supported by the sales tax increase to pay for more public transit options was not used as intended for years. Instead of being grateful that an auditor was able to decipher the funds not being used for the intended legal purpose, he is removed from his job with the lame excuse that he was rude to senior county officials. A grand jury should sort out why funds where misappropriated. He should be rewarded for finding problems, not demoted.
Don't expect any oversight from Cagle, she was handed that job on a silver platter by her good friend Kathy Rundle. It's friends and family over there at the county. Corruption and mismanagement will always rule the day in this county.
As a Miami Dade Aviation Department employee, I have seen Directors and Chiefs grow in wealth in short time.All of them directly involved as Odebretch counterparts.From driving regular domestic cars to jumping lately to pricey imports. With a County salary that is not possible.But the County Inspector General never sees that only the low level employees who steals a chicken.The latest 10 million scandal was discovered because a supplier blew the whistle.,not because of an internal investigation discovered it. Most of these high brass Odebretch new rich are still working in MIA waiting for the time to leave with their pensions.If the County was seriously looking will find dirt. Because is very odd that Odebretch bribed everybody overseas but in Miami Dade not. Food for thought on Miami-Dade County Commissioner.
The problem with Rosenberg is Rosenberg. He is trying to engage in a legal dispute to cure his personality defects. When people in exempt positions don't work out, they get let go. Move on, pal.
Well the Mayor doesn't have the authority to put him back in as it is separate from the county, not that he would anyway. Personality aside, at least he found something although Jennifer Glazer Moon will say my mistake, wrong column, and juggle the books and it will all disappear. Except Rosenberg. Who does not want to fade away quietly, bad or good personality. Cagle is an ass kisser you could just tell.
There are many more issues at the County. How may we explain a department "Miami-Dade Transit" spent $43 million in overtime in the last FY, and more than $100 million in overtime in the last three FYs, and nobody cares. $100 millions in overtime, one department in three years and there is no reliable public transportation in this County. Employees making more than $3,000/month in overtime, and nobody cares, no the BCC, no the 29th floor. I am about to retire, and it is really sad.
Did we expect anything different from our Miami Dade Inspector General?. She was put into office by our corrupt State Attorney Katherine Fernandez-Rundle to ensure her lobbyist friends were protected. The same applies to let-em-go Joe Centorino at the Commission of Ethics, another puppet and an extension of Rundle. As long as Rundle is our State Attorney we will get nothing but corruption and cover ups. Good luck with telling that to the FBI for they drank the Kool Aide long ago.
Interesting. The OIG and the COE both work closely together with commissioners on policy so it seems like they would both need to curry favor and present reports which were politically pleasing.
We should enter into an agreement with a sister city where we contract our their OIG and COE, in exchange for our OIG and COE services. How else will we truly get anyone independent to serve in oversight positions?
Perhaps exit interviews should be granted to employees who are terminated in front of a panel of residents? I have heard that this is common practice in Miami-Dade County. If a public servant raises questions to their superiors, they are then fired. What's the point of whistle blower laws, if the employees are not even able to make use of them? We need an independent review panel made up of citizens to help look at cases like these...
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