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Nick Duran, Newly elected State Rep. is Son-in-Law to longtime Lobbyist Mike Abrams who is a partner in Ballard Partners (a disgusting lobbying firm in my view). Duran has as his State Rep. Secretary Yolanda Abrams. Wow, if related - that is one for the books. The Yolanda on your Facebook page looks like a teenager.
Nick Duran was supported by evil entities such as Fla Chamber and AIF, FPL (through Florida Standing United PC), TECO, a number of sugar growers, and U.S. Sugar through its affiliate Southern Gardens Grove Corp., which he identifies as being a "garden services" company on his filing.
So lets see how lobbyist connected Nick Duran is doing:
For the first time in eons, Democrats control the majority of the Miami-Dade Delegation in the Florida Legislature.
Democratic Senator José Javier Rodríguez was running against Republican Jose Felix Diaz to Chair the delegation.
Republican Diaz was elected Chair. Democrats Campbell, Hardemon, Duran and Geller voted for Diaz. Truth is Republicans still dominate in Tallahassee and hold all the Committee Chairmanships. Kionne McGhee was elected Vice Chair and Daphne Campbell was elected Secretary.
So, our great State Rep. Nick Duran in his first vote -- held back the Democrats in a win they could have used. I wrote him a love letter:
Nick Duran:
Thanks for screwing my State Senator, Jose Javier Rodriguez. Why did I vote for you, to vote with Daphne Campbell? I think not. Better get it together... really! Very disappointed in you.
I thought it rather nice considering what I am feeling towards him. Geller and Hardemon are assholes as well but they are not my Representative. And, Daphne, well she is a Republican cloaked as a Democrat --- thank you Michael Gongora for giving us Daphne Campbell. You idiot.
And Nick, no relatives in your office --- PLEASE!
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This example of lobbyists, poor candidates, and politics as usual is why the system only favors larg corporations at the expense and f the voters.
Hmm...readers proof your comments, you don't have to spell check them.
Without your EyeonMiami, we would not know just how effed-up our Democrats are. Given the fact that the Republicans control all of the actual legislative chairs, it would have been reasonable to have a Democrat chair the local delegation. Miami-Dade is a major Democratic popular vote stronghold, and the delegation should be led by an elected Democrat. This type of weakness by Duran, Geller, and Hardemon is inexcusable.
Duran is just another wannabe who will do what his father-in-law lobbyist will tell him.
The reason Miami politics is so broken is not because we don't have enough fresh faces but because the same idea makers (i.e. lobbyists) are the only ones who have any influence. So, bad ideas are perpetuated. Mistakes repeated. Taxes go up. Environment be damned.
When will people wake up, vote for a break from the past and honor the future with elects with true vision?
They are just as bad as Republicans. Except Jose, Daisy Baez and Arscenio in Miami.
Geller and Hardemon are from lobbyist families. Maybe they are small potatoes next to Abrams but lobbyists are all over and in our State Legislature.
RE: Duran .... based on state public records, he received nearly $80,000 to his campaign from the Florida Democratic Party! Then he turns his back on Democrats. It is absolutely unbelievable how "disloyal" he is ...in his first vote! Im sure Daddy-in-Law will ensure he wont need the $80,000 in 2018! but hey R's will come after his A$$ then as well, cause they love weak disloyal DINO's !!!!!
I hate to say it but I think I will become a Repugnant again I am so furious with how stupidly insane the Dems decisions are.
So thoroughly despicable.
We can't blame Michael Gongora for Daphne Campbell's win. If we must point fingers, then why not Jason Pizzo? Gongora was a much, much stronger candidate than Pizzo.
Isn't the point of the delegation to be effective advocates on behalf of our county, and also help their Miami-Dade colleagues? If so, then you want someone with clout.
JJR doesn't have any. That's why the four Dems didn't vote for him. We are better off without him as chair.
The Dems will never have clout if we don't support them. Jason Pizzo ran a real campaign, and was second to Campbell.
Don't blame me. I voted for the woman all the way down the ballot. The only special interest is us!
When Dems behave the way they did to JJR, they will always be losers. Bit players. To Republicans, lobbyists are like manna from heaven. To Dems they are like crack cocaine.
The gop'ers are out and out fascists. The dems have ties to lobbyists and are not really progressive (DINOS) and the state dem party is spineless and gives us warmed over gop'ers. And we wonder about turnout?
I didn't know who Duran was before the election. Now I know and in 2 years I'll remind him why he's no longer state rep. Who's the alternative?
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