Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Debate: Hillary ... by gimleteye

At the end of last night's debate, Hillary was composed. Unfazed. She did not stoop low to Donald Trump's interjections and rambling. She was prepared and at least twice, all she had to say to her audience of millions: "Just listen to him". We did listen. Trump was channeling Sarah Palin: all sound and no sense.

A couple of highlights. Trump kept returning to his talking point on trade deals and jobs: "we are going to bring those jobs back" and "we are going to stop American jobs from leaving, trust me".

On this fundamental Republican point -- that the free market should determine goods, services and jobs -- Donald Trump's brain has left the room. How is China going to stop sending cheap goods that fill our shelves? Trump taxes on Chinese exports? Who is that going to hurt most? Everyone! Starting trade wars is not a Republican Party platform. That's not a position I've even heard about since the 1960s.

Starting a trade war with China and with Mexico -- which Trump wants to do -- is just goofy talk. It is not only a uniquely bad idea, it is an especially bad idea to be poking China in the eye because China has its own contingent of hawkish wackos.

Making goods for Americans more expensive would trigger a global economic crisis, not just instantly drain away a quarter of American savings through a runaway panic in stock markets.

Last night Donald Trump sounded like the national security crisis he is. Think NAFTA was bad for the economy: just wait for this guy who doesn't even run a normal business where, as Hillary pointed out, an honest contract underlies the exchange of goods and services.

By refusing to disclose his tax returns, Donald Trump left himself wide open. Hillary walked her audience through that opening, reasonably listing the likely reasons Trump is refusing to make his returns public.

The passive expression on Trump's face while she did so sent the unmistakable signal that Hillary is right: Trump pays no federal income tax. Trump has claimed charitable contributions that don't stand up to his claims. Trump is in debt, perhaps, to the wrong people.

Trump doesn't have policies. He has phrases. Bits of illogic that fit no pattern except grievances. Trump has the grievance part down, pat.

Hillary was prepared. She was presidential. Trump was, well, a weight the GOP may not survive.


Anonymous said...

At last, Trump faced an opponent that would not bow to him nor fall victim to his rants and ill mannered temper. In the words of his lap dog Chiristie, last night "was just hello". We will see who is the biggest loser in November.

Anonymous said...

I am beginning to wonder if Trump is an anomaly among rich people or representative of them. He pretty much admitted he pays no taxes, and accordingly is irresponsible and does not carry his share of the financial burden of running the country - a country that has allowed him to become very wealthy. In his way of thinking regular people like me who pay taxes from the little that we earn, are just stupid chumps. If rich people feel like this, no wonder we have such a deficit problem. It is almost an unpatriotic attitude.

Anonymous said...

Yep, Trump is definitely representing them, and it's "Them" that are leading from behind and partial obscurity!

I think it's passed down through the mothers milk, or genes.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is anonymous, so to address a question to one of the above...

To: Steve Miller - If you won't vote for Trump or Clinton, who are you voting for? The alternative is someone who can't possibly win, which means your vote or non-vote will help one of them, regardless. Step up to the plate and vote.

Anonymous said...

He said he didn't pay taxes because he was "smart". That would mean the people who pay taxes are dummies. So what we have is a dummy-financed government. If the dummies became "smart", there would be no country. How smart is that?

Anonymous said...

Zero tax liability on $600 mil income ? He's way smarter than you..

Anonymous said...

My Republican mother was horrified with Trump's parochial attitude is voting for a Democrat for the first time.

Anonymous said...

If Zorba the clerk and one time tank commander Dukakis was not the 1988 DNC nominee HW Bush would not have won the race. If HW had not won GW would have never been nominated, if GW hadn't been such a disaster a nobody like Bill Clinton would have never ever been elected. If we hadn't had Bubba we wouldn't have Hillary.. If the DNC hadn't put up such a weak nominee as Hillary, Trump would be long gone by now.

So going back to 1988 if charismatic, photogenic and popular Gary Heart had not been caught screwing around with a Miami topless model Donna Rice by Miami Herald reporter Tom Fiedler tipped off by a Broward nobody named Donna Weems, then he would have won the 1988 DNC nomination and would have been President.

So it is all South Florida's fault.. in 2016 the nation can vote for the right nut, the left nut or the Johnson in the middle...

Geniusofdespair said...

My uncle left $2 million to the goverment, half his estate. He said they deserved it. He didn't try to estate plan the money away from them..them is us.

Anonymous said...

It is clear he has no respect for women as people. We are just things to look at. If we are a little over weight or fat, lack big breasts, don't have a pretty face, or have a disability, then we are no good. Who wants a president who thinks they way about his constituents?