Between Bullard and Korge in State Senate District 40, I have to go with Andrew Korge because he has the best chance to win in this Hispanic District against Republican Frank Artiles in the General Election. Korge has the money to fight this one even though I like Dwight too. Korge needs to be more focused but he is on the right side of issues that concern me. Dwight took large campaign contributions from big sugar over the years but what concerns me is that translated into a vote. Bullard voted for a 2013 bill that gave big sugar a 30 year no bid lease.
In State Senate District 38 we have Democrats Campbell, Burns, Festge, Gongora and Pizzo. Jason Pizzo has been running a mailer blitz. They are excellent in design. I think people are reading them. Anyone but Daphne Campbell but I will vote for Jason Pizzo because he is becoming known and has the best chance against Daphne who is pretty evil in my opinion. I think she will win the primary because the super voters in this district are mostly black. However, since she is Haitian will African Americans vote for her? I do not know. Phillip Brutus took a gamble that she would win and is waiting for her in the General Election as a No Party Affiliation.
On to the State Reps.
In State District 108, anyone but Hardemon. There are 7 Democratic candidates. Don't know any of the candidates.
In District 114 I would vote for Daisy Baez.
In District 115 I would vote for Ross Hancock.
In District 118 I would vote for Robert Asencio in the General Election. There are, in the primary, 5 Republican candidates. I would vote for anyone except Bell. I would prefer keeping Lynda Bell out of politics. Of course, that means I support David Rivera over Bell. I do not know the candidates in 120, 112 or 113. Please recommend your pick.
Now, on the National scene Debbie Wasserman Schultz has a REAL opponent who has killer mailers. His name is Tim Canova. I was going to vote for Debbie but the double-sided post cards Tim is putting out are on the money and address my issues big time. He even faults her with looking the other way on manatee deaths. She has been silent on this big issue. Debbie your mailers suck, and taking money from Big Sugar is a Big Mistake. Give it back and I will vote for you even though you have that cloud over you from the Russian's hacking your email - trying to do in Bernie.
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Tim Canova's post card mailer, 4 came in an envelope. |
On the Amendments: Vote for 4. YES.
You should look at the friends of Andrew Kroge pac on Florida elections before you call him a democrat.
The only job Andrew Korge has held in his life has been working for his father, developer Chris Korge,
a rapist-of-the-environment developer who rose to fame by his connection with Alex Penelas. At the time,
You yourself, G.O.D, labeled him as an enemy of the local environment.
Kevin Diaz for 120! A local with intimate knowledge of the issues. Also has a very bright future in Tally if the Dem leadership get behind him.
Well it it is either him or a Republican. The lesser of two evils. We need Democrats in the State legislature.
Why not Michael Gongora?? What is your objection to him?? Is he not qualified enough? DMD
Friends of andrew korge doesn't have tons of Tallahassee special interest money like Dwight Bullard does. It's friends and family and philanthropists that gave him big money, not people asking for favors.
As a volunteer, Andrew korge has built more progressive infrastructure around the country than any democrat 35 years or younger. He is a progressive lion and we must elect him. Dwight, on the other hand, while being a nice guy, hasn't passed 1 of his bills in 8 years...other than renaming a street of course. Or so says the state website...
What are you talking about? Friends of andrew korge has so much democratic money it's not even funny. Barbara Stiefel and her son Erik, Ralph Patino, Rick Kuykendall, Stephen Bittel, Steve green, Frank Brunckhorst, jay Snyder, raj Fernando, Norma Abraham, Ricky Patel, Wes Farrell, Tim lim, monte Friedkin, Desiree Asher, democratic candidate for congress randy Perkins, Henry Patel, Gerri lundgren, and on and on. Get ur facts straight.
Have not gotten one mailer from Gongora. He does not have any name recognition off the beach. He should not have entered the race. Jason has sent half a dozen mailers. At least people are seeing his name.
I'm for Rosy Palomino in State House 112!
She's right on the environment, education and economy. Good for my vote!
Hancock gave Eric Fresen a run for his money last time. He came very close to beating him. I definitely think he can beat Bileca.
I am voting for Tim Canova over Dishonest Debbie. He speaks for me!
What is Canovas position on Israel and $$$$$$ aid to Israel??? how about the Iran Arms deal?? If Dingy Debbie loses--what about her seniority?? Does Canovas start again at the bottom?? DMD
Seniority? Seriously? You are worried about losing her seniority? Wow! I can't believe someone actually thinks we should keep a dishonest career politician simply because she is a career politician. Now I have heard it all.
FYI Black people (notice the capitalized "B") don't always vote based on whether or not a candidate has black or brown skin.
Black people make educated decisions based on policy over personality.
Also Francesca Menes is an outstanding immigrant rights activist who has received major endorsements from labor. You should
Look her up. She is running for HD 108 and is poised to win based on her 6 years of advocacy in Tallahassee and strong
grassroots support.
Henry Patel is a very qualified candidate. He has been actively involved in improving Miami for decades. I think he is in the 108 race.
Not many good choices in the Senate races. Gongora is the best in District 38 due to his solid performance on the Beach Commission. But really that race boils down to anybody but Daphne Campbell!! Ana Rivas-Logan was the best bet in District 40, but now that she is gone, incumbent Sen. Dwight Bullard should be our nominee. The spoiled, district hopping (4x), out-of-touch rich kid does not deserve the nomination. Nicholas Duran (112), & Daisy Baez (114) are very good choices in the House Dem primaries. District 115 faces a choice between to perennial candidates. Whichever wins the primary will chalk up another loss in November (btw, Hancock lost a race we should have won in 2012 & since then has lost two more races by wide margins). Finally, Frank Perez should be the Dem to face Ileana in CD 27. West Point grad, army officer & businessman. Great credentials. As for CD 26, neither is a great choice so I'll abstain on that one.
Henry and Fran in 108 are both good -- anyone know how they did at the candidate forum tonight?
i am voting canova. i think he is going to win. my phone is ringing with robocalls for debbie. she is frightened for good reason.
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