I voted for Tim Canova in the U.S. Rep race instead of Debbie Wasserman Schultz. I think Debbie did better in the Defede debate but he did not ask her about the massive funds she has taken from big sugar over the years. If she had returned the money from them this year, I would have voted for her.
I said before that voting on one issue is stupid but that sometimes one issue is a deal-breaker.
For me, the sugar money is a deal-breaker. I wish Defede had asked an environmental question. I know my vote will turn out to be a protest vote but I just had to send a message. Canova cares about our environment. Debbie Wasserman Schultz just doesn't care enough about Florida's environment.
Congratulations. You did the right thing!
I agree. Big Sugar needs to be stopped.
You have to vote for what's best, not the party. It's not always fun. In fact, there isn't much that is fun about politics these days.
I have lost the energy and enthusiasm for the political scene. As I age, I see that things aren't what I expected or hoped for in the community/world. I can't make the impact against egocentric/corrupt people and their bank accounts. I am tired. Voting has even become a chore instead of something I gleefully anticipated.
In most cases, service to a political district or community or government sector is about the elected official instead of being about the constituency. The call to serve the people (in the truest sense) is gone and throw out the door by people who don't give crud about anyone besides their own self and their need to prosper in the limelight.
I support very few candidates. I don't want glam, I want fiscal conservative and socially responsible.
You did good with your vote. You did what I would have done if I were in her district.
Genius: How could you have voted for Canova in the primary if you a a "registered Republican"?
issue to issue Canova is way better than she is.
So you actually crossed over?
I am a party changer. I change for the candidates I want to vote for or for those that I think it is strategic to vote for. I wanted to vote in the Daphne Campbell Race and this one. Prior I wanted to vote in the Republican Primary. I WOULD NEVER BE AN INDEPENDENT. That is plain nuts.
Not to mention her opposition to medical canabis
As an avid reader I must commend you for voting for Canova. Not just because of big sugar but for many other issues as well. DWS has no integrity and her arrogance and avarice are shameful.
Good for you, Genius!
I would think rigging the Democratic Primary would have been reason enough not to vote for her.
Defede gave Canova a helluva gift AND AN ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTION when he asked about fracking. What about that? You seem eager to give Debbie Downer a free pass on some things, completely out of character for you Alan.
I have many problems with DWS however I voted for Canova because he is an excellent candidate with the knowledge and passion to lead the Democratic Party away from the Dark Side of Crony Capitalism and to the Light Side of Progress For All.
I am not in that Congressional District, but I was so disappointed in DWS' behavior ($ugar and DNC) that I sent money to Canova.
Why do people post anonymously on this blog? What are you afraid of?
Elvis Cruz
631 NE 57 Street
Miami, FL 33137
305 754 1420
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