Our rate is now being raised to $8.70 a week or $34.80 A MONTH. The Herald says, in their letter, we are getting a bargain because the retail price is $13.16 a week. So that is ?% increase for us. Do your own math. I can't even add let alone do a percentage.
Is it worth it? Heck no. I think it was 14 ad laden pages today, it takes about 5 minutes to read it. I don't read Tropical. There is very little local news. WAIT...
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Do you think he is related to Congressman Carlos Curbelo? |
In maybe 5 point font size at the end of the letter are these added charges. They have "premium editions" not included in our subscription. A bunch of them for $1.50 and $2.00 for Thanksgiving. I can't figure out whether I pay for delivery now. I have a one time activation fee of $4.99. So What will I be paying? Beats me, The Miami Herald is now the Spirit Airlines of Newspapers, with charges tacked on that you can't figure out. I would suppose I will paying about $40 a month. I don't really know.
My God! I think my readers should pay for me to get this stupid paper.
I am not sure why anyone would subscribe to The Miami Herald. All of the news is available online, on TV, the radio... Calling it a "newspaper" isn't even accurate anymore. There is no "news" in a newspaper because calling it 'news' implies it is new information. It isn't.
We get the Sunday edition, only. Our subscription is "MH Sun HD PR + ON" which I suppose is decoded as MH=Miami Herald Sun=Sunday HD=Home Delivery PR=Promo or Puerto Rico (could go either way) and ON=ONLINE
We are paying a total of $26 for this, per year! Use the info to get a better rate. I find that when I get my bill each year, I have to call to negotiate a better rate, but they'd rather negotiate than lose a customer. If they lose me as a customer, it could be 10% of their readership.
By the way, the reason we subscribe to the Sunday edition, is because the price we get makes it cheaper than going to pickup a copy. And, the coupons save us more than what we pay for the paper. The Sunday edition is only worth it if you use the coupons.
seems like the sustainable thing to do is get the online edition only.
The Herald is effectively raising the price almost double from the 2015 monthly charge taken out of my credit card. I can't in good conscience justify this much of an increase. Most of the news is wire service retreads, with very occasionally local investigative reporting. There is no good reason to continue receiving the paper.
A shell of a once-great newspaper. Useless as t**s on a boar hog.
Do subscribe online. It's cheaper and Eco friendly. Let's support the reporters still working there.
May be they are raising the cost to chase people into digital?
To Anonymous above that said it may be best to get online susbcription only,
you cant get online only you need a regular subscription then you get access to Online that's how they got me subscribed to Sunday only.
Unless you have a kitty litter, why subscribe to Herald?
On May 5, 2016 I paid $109.72 for a 52 week subscription to the Miami Herald including electronic.
It took 3 weeks of haggling.
I told them I didn't want to auto subscribe and I wasn't paying over $200 for that POS.
I only get Saturday's & Sunday's, and only pay $8.98 for 6 months. When my subscription was ending, I got two letters saying that rates went up and now I had to pay $69.99 to renew. I threw both letters away. I then started getting phone calls, leaving messages on my answering machine. I finally picked up the phone and spoke to a very nice lady. I told her I wasn't interested in paying that ridiculous amount. She honored my previous cost,name I am, again, paying only $8.98 for 6 months.
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