Monday, April 04, 2016

In Tallahassee, Republican senators dislike Rick Scott as much as in Washington, US senators dislike Ted Cruz ... by gimleteye

It is not exactly news that Enterprise Florida -- Gov. Rick Scott's wagon train for foreign travel and loyalists -- was a Chamber of Commerce-style boondoggle lining up highly paid glad-handers to make Rick Scott look good.

Enterprise Florida leaked money, the lubricant of politics, glad-handing irrelevance, pulses of self-congratulation, and parodies of "let's get Florida to work". Recently the legislature canned Enterprise Florida's budget, Bill Johnson -- former Miami-Dade County insider -- was sent packing, or, on a very comfortable vacation.

Little birdies whispering suggest that the Miami Herald did not get it right when it published in late February: "At the urging of Senate leaders, Sen. Jack Latvala, R-Clearwater, chairman of the Senate budget subcommittee for economic development, supported the $250 million (for Enterprise Florida). He excoriated legislative leaders for their decision Friday. “The Legislature has just delivered a punch in the gut to a governor who has poured every ounce of his soul into jobs since he’s been governor,” Latvala said. “To zero out this category is insulting and demeaning. … It’s unconscionable.”

EOM hears, that was a Shakespearean act for the cameras.

Latvala is among top GOP state legislators furious with Gov. Scott, but also unwilling to give full public view of their anger for fear of energizing Democrats on the loose after Fair Districts up-ended the GOP Ponzi scheme on Florida.

Latvala, according to a source, said publicly that (sic.) he might not be able to get his legislation through the governor's office, but he most certainly could block the governor on his.

One of those projects that legislators wanted to fund: credits to industries that bring real jobs and spending to Florida. Scott said no, for example, to the film and television industries. The GOP legislators said no, to Scott.

It takes two to tango. Rick Scott is as unpopular a GOP dance partner in Tallahassee as Ted Cruz is in Washington, DC. That US Senate race Rick Scott is planning? Fantasy.


Anonymous said...

It is now April, 4 months into 2016. The business I own has over 300 individuals who participate in its success financially. In other words they get a paycheck. In the past one of my strong clients was the television and film industry. Not one new or continuing production has come through my doors in 2016. They slowly dwindled in 2015. Over the past terms of governors and legislators who said jobs were one of their top priority the state of Florida has fallen off the map for the TV and movie industries. When I discuss this issue with my clients they tell me they are moving their businesses to Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana. Movies and TV shows are actually being made there.

Ever wonder why shows or movies with a Florida location like Dexter or CSI Miami only shot Florida background and not the entire shows here?

The entertainment industry supports small businesses, restaurants, caterers, supply houses, skilled trades such as carpenters, electricians, day laborers, set decorators (who buy locally), rentals, hotels, and so many more industries.

When I watch the old movies on TV or re-runs of Burn Notice etc. they show off Miami and Florida like no Chamber of Commerce web site can. They become an investment in promoting what Florida has to offer businesses and individuals.

It's hard to believe that a formerly "great" state like Florida is losing out to Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana in economic growth because they will invest in bringing jobs to their states.

Remember, be careful who you vote for. It's counts in making change.

Anonymous said...

who knew my comment supporting the view of the writer would be so controversial and be taken down?