Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Rubio a real zero on the Environment...Really he was rated a big fat "0". By Geniusofdespair

The National Environmental Scorecard, a score given by the League of Conservation Voters, gave Marco Rubio, for the year 2014, zero on their environmental scorecard. Although Ted Cruz also got a zero his lifetime score was 2 points higher. Hillary Clinton got a score of 88%, for two years she was rated and an 89% for the third, when she was in the Senate.  Bernie Sanders  got 80% in 2014 and his lifetime score is 95%.

Hillary Clinton's Score when she was in the Senate got an 88% for 2 years she was rated and an 89% for a third year:

2001 score
2002 score
2003 score

Bernie Sanders:

here is more Rubio's voting record....

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