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I guess because her district will be more to the left, she has toned down her rhetoric on the environment, and has become green-washed. Good if it stops Fracking.
Marco Rubio on Fracking:
And he vowed to reverse Environmental Protection Agency regulations on greenhouse gas emissions and hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, to allow the extraction of gas buried deep in the ground near places like Salem.Don't forget all the Earthquakes fracking is causing Marco. Studies tie 77 Ohio Earthquakes to two fracking wells. And, even worse:
Taking issue with what he described as a Democratic “fear campaign” against fracking, he said that the hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of natural gas and oil underneath the ground “are doing the people of Ohio no good pent-up in shale rock.”
Fracking Pioneer: "The co-founder and former chief executive officer of Devon Energy Corp. has signed on to shape energy policy for Florida Senator Marco Rubio." - Feb. 22, 2016
Anitere Flores against Fracking because:
Now that she is running in a left leaning district against a real champion of the environment, Andrew Korge, she all of a sudden cares. I was born at night, but not last night. She is a fraud. She is a fake.
Us enviros need to get behind Korge immediately and help his campaign. Flores voted to authorize offshore oil drilling in 2009, has taken millions in oil and gas money, and votes with them all the time. Plus, she hates lbgt people, is against choice, and loves the NRA more than anyone. We must defeat her!
Flores is one of the best legislators in Florida.
Hmm. I sense we are hearing from the campaigns. She is definitely not the one of the best legislators in Florida. That is a given. If she is how about she fills my public records request which is about 3 months old.
Totally agree with anonymous. She has been soooo anti-progressive for her entire political career that this "new" environmental concern seems a bit forced...she's scared of her prospects against a real contender. Anti lgbt rights, anti reproductive rights, anti sensible gun control legislation that would protect Floridians, etc. She needs to go and find a real job.
Senator Flores was one of the few republicans to vote against fracking last year.
This isn't election year politics - she has consistently been against fracking.
Let's keep it on topic. This link shows that she voted against fracking last year.
Lets keep it on topic of the environment - she voted to authorize offshore oil drilling off of Florida's coastline, she let FPL destroy our water by poisoning from their cooling canals, she is against renewable energy, and the list goes on and on...
Fair Districts is already helping.
We should give fair districts and Andrew Korge credit for her newfound desire to care about our environment...
I guess Andrew found the right District
Ok so "today" Flores is the darling of the liberals that write on this blog. The reality is that either we want to be energy independent or we don't. Do we drill in the gulf? Frack? Nuclear? or just keeping bowing to the middle east that keeps us entangled in all their conflicts?
Perhaps we should go back to lighting candles.
Yes lighting candles, I like that.
If you never give solar a chance it will never happen. If they put as much effort into alternative energy, maybe just maybe we would clean up our environment and have a viable energy source. We are eating up our planet from the inside out, we are vultures just consuming our resources. I have no real hope for the planet. I think we will be known as water world in 200 years and it is because most of the world's government officials are idiots...sort of like you...focusing on energy while the ice caps are breaking off and melting. There is an elephant in your room and you are focused on the lamp.
"energy independent"
Tick tock tick tock - you sell off tomorrow for your comfort today. Your grandchildren, in their environmentally depleted world, will despise your selfishness.
Anitere has benefited from being open to advisors from all stripes...and this Democrat will be glad to support her in November.
You sound like a member of one of the many special interests anitere flores has sold her soul to...or, you are the only democrat in the country that supports candidates who are anti-choice, anti-equality, anti-science, anti-immigrant, anti-renewable energy, anti-public schools, wants guns everywhere, and think evolution is a fraud and the earth is flat.
I am a democrat and I will proudly be voting for Senator Flores. I vote based on record and demonstrated abilities. Andrew Korge may be a great individual supportive of his community, but that does not mean he has the ability to properly lead in the Senate. Senator Flores has repeatedly demonstrated in the Senate how valuable she is to representing the interests of the community at large. Although she has not formally represented Monroe County for instance, she has already worked on legislation for us. She is Republican because on the political spectrum she leans right, but she is enough of a leader to not let political orientation guide her policy decisions. Senator Flores has consistently advocated for the environment in a way that does not jeopardize the community in other ways. In this election, I urge you fellow democrats to vote for experience and for one of the hardest working politicians in Florida. Just take a look at her record and follow her on social media to realize that at the core she is doing the best work possible to ensure that her constituents prosper. Senator Bullard, a Democrat, must have realized this when he chose not to run against Senator Flores. Although Mr. Korge may not be well versed in Senator Flores' extensive successful record, he should realize that if he really wants the best for district 39, he has no place in this race.
Democrats United for Senator Flores!
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