Sunday, December 06, 2015

Commissioner Juan Zapata put out an advisory on flooded roads yesterday in Kendall while Miami Beach Police continue on their shoot em' up mentality. By Geniusofdespair


This video is from 2013. This is exactly why we should NOT BE DEVELOPING OUTSIDE THE URBAN DEVELOPMENT BOUNDARY. The flooding is ongoing...the developers of the new communities really did not protect the people.

The photos below are from this particular flood incident Zapata is warning about:


The perp had a razor he picked up in the barbershop. He came out without a hostage.

The numerous cops surrounding him couldn't just taser him? Or at the very least shoot him in the arm or leg? You can see he is not wired with a bomb, he took off his shirt. They had to kill him? The woman cop: Why didn't she taser him or spray some pepper spray? I do know that she is standing at a distance (she is on the yellow lane lines) but geez he didn't deserve to die. What are the police now, judge and jury?

Why didn't they shoot up the woman with the X-acto knife who punctured another woman twice at Art Basel? Same thing: armed with a razor. Same Miami Beach police department and this Art Basel attendee woman actually attacked someone. They should have shot her up too. That would have been the end of Art Basel in Miami.

Jimmy Morales: get your police force in check. They need more training.


Anonymous said...

I was surprised how close the female cop was to the bank robber perp in the 'death video'. If the guy was such a threat, why be so close to him?

They say cops have to shot to kill to stop the threat, but when you have at least three guns pointed at someone 10 feet away, it seems like you'd have a number of options besides the chest. Or yes, use a taser or even a net! Also, it was even less of a threat than a knife, it was a razor he had just grabbed from a barber shop (so he obviously wasn't going to be very agile at using it...).

Anonymous said...

Cowboy style policing, devoid of any people skills!
Young afraid coops you definitely want to avoid.

Anonymous said...

A new angle, it looks like the tapering scared the cop with the rifle, causing him to fire right after the taser.

Anonymous said...

The Miami Beach police seem to have no people skills. Just shoot first and ask questions later. This is an epidemic across the country. When the City od Miami had Timoney as police chief there were almost no guns fired during his tenure, so it is possible to protect the public and not shoot first.

Geniusofdespair said...

The tapering???

Anonymous said...

In the Crossings area it was so flooded that people were abandoning their cars and walking through the flooded streets to their houses. It was so deep in front of the Crossings shopping center that no cars could pass. My brother had to park on 120 St and walk to 112th and leave his car there overnight. Water was calf deep.

Anonymous said...

132street was as bad or worse than 112street - but we made it through.

Anonymous said...

Tow truck drivers were all over Westkendal stopping at stalled vehicles asking them if they needed help they made some good money last night.

Anonymous said...

The aggravating thing is people and trucks and SUVs go plowing through the water in creating waves that no matter how careful you're trying to be in your little car -- they're pushing all the water into your car stalling you out there. It is so rude.

Anonymous said...

Climate Change is soooo rude!

Anonymous said...

1st anon you must be a gun expert at 10 feet in a tense situation if you get cute shooting at anything other than the center of mass there's a huge chance you will miss and become acquainted with the wrong side of a straight razor.
If you don't want to get killed by cops don't rob banks or run around with a knife or razor and if asked to put it down PUT IT DOWN

Anonymous said...

It's so weird - I know pretty much that if I hold a knife in public acting like an ahole that I probably eating a bullet

Geniusofdespair said...

If you are depressed or your wife left you, you might be doing something crazy or unpredictable. If you are hungry, you might rob a bank or try to. You don't deserve to die however when you do something crazy.

David said...

The stress of global warming made them do it.

Zwoman said...

The built West Kendall on swampland and the corrupt county didn't require them to elevate the land. Some of the areas close to the Everglades flood in every heavy rain. This county is a mess, but the ocean level rise will fix that, no more Miami-Dade County.

Zwoman said...

If cops with all the firearms training and certification don't have better judgment than that, just wait till open carry comes to Florida and all the idiot ammosexuals are running around with loaded guns. Every time they hear a car backfire they will be firing their damn guns. Just picture a whole bunch of Barney Fifes in a dark movie theatre, g.o.d. help us all.