Monday, November 10, 2014

Naomi Klein: This Changes Everything … by gimleteye

So here is what I am reading: "This Changes Everything". Naomi Klein sees as clearly as anyone writing today the massive collision between capitalism and climate change. She writes crisply about the right-wing forces conspiring to suppress climate change issues and argues (I'm not yet there) for a new paradigm to be embraced by the public, advancing a more fair economic balance that will sharply curtail carbon dioxide emissions while providing job security and growth.

I believe she means usurping the power -- somehow -- of the same forces citizens have been battling in Florida for decades to protect the Everglades and natural habitat from the exploiters and Great Destroyers. That's not working very well, as anyone knows who has been fighting for Florida's lakes, estuaries and bays.

The timing of Klein's book was clearly to have an impact on the mid-term elections; a kind of companion manifesto to NextGen, billionaire Tom Steyer's huge gamble to elevate climate change to be a swing issue with the American electorate. In Florida, thanks to Steyer's money, Charlie Crist transformed from hesitant advocate to vocally assertive on climate change.

Still, both Klein and Steyer are committed to the long-term battle, Polar-vortexes or not. For the rest of us, don't be swayed by Fox News highlighting unseasonable cold or talking heads who are paid millions to sow doubt and confusion: just look at the prices and quality of vegetables coming from California in your grocery store. Understand that climate change is already wreaking havoc on our food supply. Think what that means and by all means read, Naomi Klein's "This Changes Everything".

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