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Pinecrest Mayor Cindy Lerner |
A vote for South Miami Dade
My first elective office was in 2000 as a state representative for ( the old) House District 119 which everything covered east of US 1 from Dadeland to Homestead. It was a wonderful district, which included much of the current County commission District 8. Even now as an Mayor of Pinecrest, I continue to have a broader South Dade perspective when it comes to state or county matters, and have been tremendously disappointed by the record of Commissioner Lynda Bell. She has been absent and unproductive in her role as a South Dade leader. So when Daniella Levine Cava decided to run for the District 8 Commission seat, I was thrilled. I first met Daniella in 1985 when we worked together at the Guardian Ad Litem Program in Juvenile court.
Over the past almost 30 years, we have worked together on many other initiatives, and there isn't a better, smarter , more caring and committed advocate in this county than Daniella. Daniella brought many new community initiatives to address housing needs, access to healthcare, Increasing economic opportunity and growing jobs through her work with the organization she founded almost 20 years ago, Catalyst Miami. She is a tireless fighter for advancing quality of life issues. One of my fondest memories is when we coordinated a " Piece of the Pie " campaign before the county commission, many years ago, urging the county to provide the critically needed resources to the social service community, the non profits tasked with assisting vulnerable populations including much of South dade. Daniella has been an effective and articulate advocate for bringing attention to community needs for thirty years. Her reputation throughout Miami Dade County is stellar as a spokesperson for community needs, and as a visionary problem solver. That is exactly what has been missing from representation for District 8 ever since Katy Sorenson retired.
As long as Commissioner Sorenson was the Commissioner for District 8, she was a fierce advocate for all of south Miami Dade and she worked well with all the cities, and with the other community leaders and unincorporated activists. Since she retired and Lynda Bell became the commissioner, District 8 has been ignored. The commissioner is absent on all of the issues important to South Miami Dade. The proposed US 1 Busway conversion to express lanes, with a roller coaster or second story express lane generates tremendous opposition and every time there are public meetings on this issue, there is never any presence by commissioner Bell or anyone from her office. The FPL transmission lines is another issue with tremendous public opposition, and includes neighborhoods west of US 1 in District 8. Yet Commissioner Bell has been completely absent. The South Dade Economic Development Council , a critical job development organization for often ignored area of the county has lost almost all of its county funds in the past several years , under Bells lack of leadership. As a member of their advisory board, I have been alarmed at the loss of county support and potential that this organization will have to close its doors. In the past year alone, a county allocation of $75,000 was reduced to $5,000. How could the Commissioner for District 8 allow that to occur?
Daniella has proven her credentials over the past 30 years fighting for a better quality of life for everyone. That is exactly what the South Dade Community is desperate for. Someone who will focus on them and their needs, who commands tremendous respect from business and community leaders and who will be there on the ground for all of her district and will fight for South Dade.
Cindy Lerner
Great endorsement. Now for District 8 voters, get out and vote!
Off topic
No we have a troll posting the same thing over and over.
Don't you think LOL is passé?
Cindy Lerner wrote a wonderful endorsement.
where does daniella stand on cop cameras?
Where does lyndA Bell stand on anything Wayne Rosen wants?
I believe that God gave Lynda a second chance to prove herself and to do His work in our community. This is why Bell was able to beat Flynn in such a democratic district in the last election.
When Lynda was Mayor of Homestead she served the community as tyrant and a bully. I hoped she had done a lot of soul searching and repenting after she was ousted as Mayor in Homestead. She should have felt terrible for the way she acted towards the people in the community and the selfish decisions she made on the dais.
Unfortunately the moment she won the commission seat in 2010 she dedicated her time to being vindictive towards those that did not support her in her election (as she called it giving them a spanking)you can ask our own Mayor Giminez how that felt. She also mistreated and forgot many of those that were there for her during the tough times. She sold out!!!!The truth is that she has done nothing of substance for the district or the county in the last 4 years. ALL of the policy she has supported has been self serving and beneficial to herself, her family and her donors/financial supporters.
The right thing needs to happen tomorrow. Bell MUST loose so she can take time off to reflect with the Lord and ask forgiveness for all the damage she has done to the people in our community and the residents of district 8.
I'm going to stop reading this blog. You delete comments that you don't politically agree with. Yet they are logical points. Why did you delete my comment that said that cameras can be a cops best friend or their number one enemy? Because I said that cameras can document unbecoming behavior? There's nothing anti union bigoted wrong or insulting about that.
Off topic way off topic. So don't read it, I don't care.
Cameras can also report on average people getting pulled over for minor occurrences. As public record, this video gets to be used against you on the internet for life.
Just as 911 calls, made during dire circumstances when people are desperate to have medical assistance or help during a crime, are now used on news programs as entertainment under the guise of information.
Can't stand Cindy Lerner. My big fear is that Cindy Lerner might benefit from unlimited access to Daniella if elected.
You stand alone. My big fear is that we don't have enough Cindy Lerners in Miami Dade County.
Many within the Miami-Dade League of Cities can't stand Cindy Lerner. And clearly her colleagues in the Florida legislature didn't fight to save Cindy Lerner's seat.
If you don't want public participation, if you don't believe in open access and dialog with your elected officials, if you like your politics to benefit the few instead of the community, if you don't plan to reside here in the future, then of course, Cindy Lerner is someone you don't like.
She's honest. That's poison to many.
There is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women. ~Madeleine K. Albright
I hope you get to make $10,000!!! Keep your eyes on the prize!
"There is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women."
Are you saying Cava Levine should be supporting and helping Bell instead of running against her?
Cindy has an interesting personality but then again she is in politics. So do a lot of people. She is taking a chance by going public, she often is out there for the people. She deserves to be supported. Too bad she is not on the BCC.
Cindy Lerner has felt the lash of going against the status quo. I respect her for staying in the arena and being a survivor. Jeb Bush hated her which is good enough for me.
If Lynda Bell was a rational person, she would not run and give Levine Cava the chance to serve the constituents of District 8 as she is the more qualified candidate. But unfortunately, power hungry Bell doesn't want to let go. She is addicted to the commission seat, taxpayers be damned. Shes like a crack addict who will do anything, say anything and sell herself to get her fix.
Cindy Lerner took a chance and she stepped up and she endorsed Cava early in the race. If Cava lost Bell could have extracted retribution on Pinecrest for years. Good for Lerner for speaking up. Now Bell needs a great legislative staff to get a quick start.
Cava needs a great legislative staff... Bell's staff needs to leave government service.
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