Patronizing your fellow Commissioners, almost all more educated than you (with your associates degree) is very rude Lynda Bell. Xavier Suarez must have been very offended and Barbara Jordan for 2. Pepe Diaz not so much. Lecturing is so disgusting by her because she knows nothing.
This is not the way to talk to colleagues...or for that matter anyone. This is exactly why Lynda Bell has so many enemies. She is always right in her head, shaking papers around in front of your face of her google searches. You never get to see what is on the papers she shakes around.
I am not saying what she is proposing is bad. The fact that it is not necessary, well that is another story. It is not happening so why address it?
She is trying to increase the ban on County Commissioners lobbying after they leave office. Is it targeted at Katy Sorenson or Natacha Seijas or no one in particular? Former commissioners are so fed up with the county when they leave they don't want to lobby there anyway. When is the last time you saw Gwen Margolis? But listen to what she says, singling out her fellow commissioners, almost calling them crooks for not agreeing with her, i.e. if you are not a crook, why wouldn't you vote for this? What a complete clueless person: Lynda Bell County Commissioner (fiscal conservative my eye, tea party friend, you bet!). Let the Gay Hating group, Christian Family Coalition endorse her. That is what all "Good" Christians do when they live in glass houses: throw stones. Good Christians are not vindictive Lynda Bell.
Anyway watch the damn video.
If not visible, here is the link.
LMAO. You nailed it.
commissioners will vote today on whether to negotiate to build a Cuban History museum on parcel B. Backers are being asked to show up in force to the meeting. How about opponents showing up also. This space should be developed for a park to be used by all residents. There is already a taxpayer funded Cuban History museum in Miami. More insider deals on the back of taxpayers.
Do as I say, not as I do.
Where is the other Cuban museum?
This is actually a common strategy to look smart/in charge when in fact one is not so confident in their knowledge/leadership. God she sucks.
She sets prescient all the time.... bell made us a leader county-wide in chain link fences.
Liar. Phony. Hypocrite.
Just ask the hundreds she trampled over in her several former churches and Homestead government.
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