Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What's the difference between the Collier County Commission and the Miami-Dade County Commission when it comes to standing up to the State and Big Polluters? … by gimleteye

Collier County doesn't come much into view from Miami. At the risk of being "verbose, repetitive and pedantic, " (the criticism of an EOM regular), Collier County is on the other side of Tamiami Trail.

Collier County, facing west to the Gulf of Mexico, shares a hotly contested interior where suburban sprawl has had its way.

Miami-Dade shares the Everglades, literally, with Collier.

Last week, the Collier County Commission did something that its bigger neighbor, Miami-Dade, could never find the willpower to do: it stood up to a big polluter.

The case involved county permitting related to oil drilling and acid fracking. The county commission, faced with a clear violation by a permittee from Texas, Hughes and Co., stared down both the state and the acid fracker when evidence -- presented by an environmental organization -- showed the state of Florida has proven incapable of monitoring and enforcing against well drilling operations in the past.

"In a live update from the commission meeting, Naples News reporter Greg Stanley tweeted: "No trust here for the DEP or any other state or federal regulators when it comes to oil. Not competent or capable enough to enforce safety." (Broward New Times, link below.)

In 2007, the Miami-Dade County Commission ignored testimony from environmental groups -- ignored evidence provided by its own staff and by the state -- and surrendered zoning to FPL for its expansion ambitions including $26 billion in two new nuclear plants without any evidence that the environment -- in this case, Biscayne National Park, could be protected. Just wrote off its responsibility.

What's worse, evidence against FPL involved clear fact that the leviathan has violated its stipulated agreement to protect water quality in South Dade through its existing nuclear reactors. Briefly, highly saline cooling water is drifting underground from FPL cooling canals at Turkey Point.

I'm glad Collier County is handling the acid fracking issue for Florida because if it was left to the Miami Dade County Commission, there would be a fracking well wherever a big campaign contributor wanted one.

Read the report on what the Collier County commission did, from Broward New Times.


Anonymous said...

Look look, the republican West Coast with balls.

Gimleteye said...