The Republicans said on the envelope that they were sorry to see me go. The only problem is, I am still a Republican and I didn't go anywhere. They asked for a donation inside the letter, I guess they want me to prove I am a loyal Republican. I used the postage free envelope (they pay) to tell them they weren't getting any money from me until they scuttled the T Party agenda.
I checked with elections, and I am indeed still a proud Republican. Well maybe not proud but I am still a registered Republican.
I could be a Republican for real if they didn't hate unions, women, African Americans and Hispanics. And Hispanics, don't fool yourselves into thinking otherwise. If your accent is thick enough, they wish you weren't in the US.
Ask Rick Scott's aides who made fun of the Spanish accent. Take a trip to Arizona or Texas. Go through one of those road blocks I went through near the Mexican border. They made us speak by asking a silly question, then they let us pass. See the real America at work if you look like this family. I hope you have your Republican voter registration card.l
Just because you dye your hair blonde does not make you look less Hispanic. All I am trying to get across to you brain dead people: If a State Government is looking for illegal Hispanics, they might ask this family to produce papers, not my family. Don't you care you are being targeted Hispanics? What if you don't have papers with you, you will be detained. You like this situation that Republicans endorse? |
Rick Scott is a republican. So is Mitt Rommey. Not exactly poster children for 2014. We need better candidates regardless of the parties.
Republicans have lost their soul. Rick Scott, Carlos Lopez cantera and Fresen are but just a few example of that
This isn't about illegal immigration. It is about YO U getting stopped because of the way you look or speak.
You must be Cuban, legal with a dry footstep then pull in the rug for others not so lucky.
South Florida's politics is poisoned by Cuban Republicans and right wing marginalized whites trying to cling to power in disguise with deceit, vengeance and deep hatred.
Wow! So many people spewing venom and hatred here today! ...... And you claim to be Democrats?
I am American of Spanish and Cuban heritage. I am a Republican, pro-life, anti-gun, anti death penalty, pro Common Core, NPR listener. I voted against Obama twice. I'm a strong believer in the Bill of Rights. I defend the First Ammendment with my life. I believe the Founding Fathers invoked God when seeking blessings on our great nation, and so should we.
Please don't stereotype. No one checks all the boxes. We all come in different colors and different flavors.
Read the post again. You are not getting the point.
It's always interesting to watch white liberals use minorities to impose their world view.
Don't stereotype the readers I might be a Republican with a world view like yours.
Have you ever seen Marco Rubio? Of course he looks Hispanic.
Cameron and Christina aren't profiled because their moms were Anglos and they simply don't look or sound profilable. You are minimizing the discrimination that occurs out West and is well-documented.
I don't come here to read CNN type spin. I come here for facts.
No facts here, only spin.
If the pachyderms read this blog I dont think they would have sent you that letter. Can that anon that spoke so hatefully about Cuban Repuvblicans and Marginalized anglos please send a selfie? I just had dinner and need inspiration for a bowel movement.
Nobody looks the same except maybe identical twins. "Hispanics" come in all colors because they are not a race the government just added another way to categorize and marginalize people.
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