Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Decoding the differences: Miami Herald or El Nuevo Herald? … by gimleteye

Pity Anglos -- those who are English language only -- whose only newspaper is the Miami Herald. For some time, the better paper has been the Spanish language version.

I went online to check this morning to see which paper covered the story of Alfy Fanjul's plan to open the front for Big Sugar in Cuba. Yesterday's Eye On Miami post was widely distributed on the web. It included the Washington Post report I used as an original source and, also, the blog post from Capitol Hill Cubans.

Today's Nuevo Herald reprinted, in Spanish of course, the entire report. So far as I could tell from online, the topic was only mentioned in passing in one column in the English language edition.

I'm not 100 percent clear if there is any conversation between editors of the two editions of the Herald.

Since Miami is an international hub, it makes sense that the Spanish language version of the paper would be stronger. There is no story more important to South Florida -- whether you are Anglo or not -- than the underlying forces determining our future interactions with Cuba. So why is the English language Herald version so lame that it neglected the Fanjul story except in reporter blogs on the paper's English-language website?

I wonder if the Herald executives are responding to market research and polling of its English language readers, that conclude its Anglo readers are "silo'd", beleaguered, and resistant to hemispheric news of Hispanic origin.

Given the sharp differences between the two versions of the Herald, it's time for a team of psychologists to interview the Herald publisher/s and come up with some insights about what is happening at One Herald Square. … oops. Maybe the psychologists have already been there.

Does this help explain why the David Beckham stadium story is glorified in the English language edition of the Herald? Here is a Brit, good looking to many, whose only credential is converting an English-language career in the Premier League to a multi-national brand using his skills to bridge to the Hispanic, hemispheric love of the game. (through this peculiar prism, the fact that Cubans aren't obsessed with soccer would be seen as a "plus" to Herald English-language editors.)

Herald subscribers would be better served if translators were deployed to translate the daily El Nuevo Herald into English, so Anglos could read the difference between what Herald editors think Anglo readers want to read and what Anglo readers want to read.


Anonymous said...

We get the media we deserve. Assuming the "most popular" links on the site are a true reflection of the current readership's page views, and that's is what drive content, it's amazing the Herald hasn't turned into just a sports rag. (Given it's already the franchises' mouthpiece)

Yes today is an exception, the Tequesta Village is the top views. BTW congratulations Bob Carr for finally growing a pair, this is the first time you've actually tried to protect something since going private.

On the up side, if the Hearld was doing their job, there would be no EOM, keep up the good work.

Geniusofdespair said...

Manny Garcia was the driving force of El Nuevo. I don't know that it is going to keep its luster now that he is gone. He was great and his staff were super. The Herald is simply understaffed.

Malagodi said...

^^^ Yo Genius... "the Herald is simply understaffed"?

I think that's just a bit too simple.

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head by pointing out the obvious. A case in point can be made if you analyze the work done by Enrique Flor and Melissa Sanchez of El Nuevo Herald in 2012 as they reported the absentee ballot fraud that rocked this community. The Miami Herald lagged so far behind in its investigation that though sad it was almost laughable. The same could be said for America TV reporter Erika Carillo and her investigation of the Sweetwater corruption matter. No other tv station in the area came near to her level of reporting. The bland reports get get from Patricia Mazzei and the Herald editorials are more like promotional statements for connected politicians than actual journalistic work.

Anonymous said...

This is an excellent point! The County's civic discussion is divided by language, and very exploitable by our so called leaders and the power broker puppeteers.

Anonymous said...

I read Eye on Miami before I read the Herald. This is the reason EOM is so important to us non speakers and Spanghlish speakers like myself.

Anonymous said...

I read Eye on Miami before I read the Herald. This is the reason EOM is so important to us non speakers and Spanghlish speakers like myself.

Anonymous said...

Our libraries are one of the best places where Spanish and English conversations take place. Tell your County Commissioner to restore the library millage rate.

Anonymous said...

This is so true. Diario de las Americas headlined the dismantling of the Main Branch of the Miami dade public library system. The miami herald stayed quiet, except for misleading statements.

From an 8/18/13 editor's piece:

“The Gimenez administration renegotiated rent payments at some branches, saving $2.4 million, and eliminated some offices at the main library downtown to keep neighborhood branches open.”

Those "offices" include most of the third floor including storage and the entire basement repository of documents and artwork and more. The Herald minimized any impact with their flippant words. Is it really believable that "some offices" were costing the library $2.4 million in rent? And, this money was to be paid to the county's general fund from the library's special taxing dustrict. Sophisticated method of siphoning money out of the library. A private landlord could never get away with such theft followed by an unwarranted eviction.

Anonymous said...

Great article...something I have wondered about for a long time (a non Spanish speaking person)...and long time Herald reader. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

So sad to see the latest spectacle of the Miami Herald supporting Beckham soccer complex