Friday, December 06, 2013

Miami Dade County Library Millage Rate Through the Years. By Geniusofdespair


Anonymous said...

So it looks like the County has systematically lowered the millage and caused the drastic reduction of the county library budget. With what purpose? And has any other essential public service county department been made to experience fifty percent reductions in their operating budget?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this important post. It would be interesting to post these figures against county population and urban/rural area. It's no wonder our bridges are failing, our water and sewer system is antiquated, our environment is being destroyed, our social systems are failing. You get what you pay for. Hey, but on the bright side, we have a nifty stadium and a tunnel to the port.

Anonymous said...

You couldn't end up with a city like Miami and a county like Miami-Dade without a plan to keep people dumb and stupid. This is such a predictable outcome of a region that does not have a free and independent press or a state attorney who will prosecute public fraud.

Anonymous said...

Build more stadiums!

Anonymous said...

Oops I meant more museums to glorify developers!

Anonymous said...

2nd anon - exactly my thoughts

Anonymous said...

Great cities have great libraries.

Anonymous said...

The intent from the get-go was to destroy the system. Simple math 2-1=1. Now, SURPRISE, no money for the system!

Anonymous said...

Yes, this was a manufactured "crisis." Imagine if the County cut the Port budget in half and told them to raise the shortfall with a garage sale.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this was a manufactured "crisis." Imagine if the County cut the Port budget in half and told them to raise the shortfall with a garage sale.

Anonymous said...

As I said earlier, it is divorce time. When he cuts your money in half, throws you and all your children out the main house, and throws all your stuff on the lawn, somebody is going to have to walk. . .

Anonymous said...

The library tax will have to return to 0.3 or 0.4 to just keep things the way they are now.

the library supporters better get in front of this instead of being asleep until the last budget hearing.

This city will have amnesia come budget time next year and will demand recalls for "doubling" the library tax.

Anonymous said...

The manufactured "crisis" Gimenez single-handedly (and then, with the votes of the commissioners) slashed the library's millage in half. There can be NO talk about 'raising' the millage. The correct term is RESTORING the millage to its proper (throughout its histor) place.
There is NO money problem with the library's budget, were it not for what the ridiculous .17 millage caused.
And now the "BlueRibbonTask Force" is using time, money, effort to "fix" the problem. Restore the millage to .49 and problem is solved. The mayor is scrutinizing the library's budget line by line (a WHOLE lot of effort of 1/2 of 1% of the entire county budget!!) There should be an equal line-by-line scutinization of the budgets for the airport and seaport, just for starters. Why waste effort on a miniscule part of the budget, where even if it were all eliminated it wouldn't help the bottom line much. A small tightening up of the seaport budget would save the taxpayers a great deal!
With the library's "crisis", what financial benefit is there for the mayor's children? Since that is the current fashionable thing for our county leaders to do! (look into it, you will find interesting stuff!)

Anonymous said...

The library supporters have been extremely active and present at every Town Hall meeting and Commissioners' Budget meeting(along with the Firefighters and the Pet Trust people). The Library BELONGS to every citizen in this county. EVERY person needs to be doing their part to defend and protect our libraries, before they get stolen from us. Spread the word, we all need to come together to keep what is ours!!!

Anonymous said...

Bell opposed the end of the wage garnishments because it would certainly lead to tax increases. No, bitch, you will have to increase taxes to provide libraries and fire service. You can't just cut tax rates and refuse to ever increase them again. You and that genius Mayor have spent the contingency reserves, earned a negative credit rating from Moody's for being idiots, and you want to refuse to face the music.

Oh, and somehow your poor hubby had his plumber wages cut, but is now the owner of a hotel. Your daughter cheats on a police promotion exam, gets demoted and buys a fencing company. Your family members have amazing luck. They suffer an economic setback and end up owning businesses. And, where did you get that Cadillac?