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Alberto Carvalho |
I stand corrected he is the 'Great Portuguese Hope' (It was a take-off of the play "The Great White Hope"). Everyone is a bit testy this morning. So he has lied, do you think the rest of them haven't. Gimenez will get a challenger, this is just one contender. If Charlie Crist can run, so can this guy...if he wants to.
The great hope is: He will run against Carlos Gimenez unless Carlos cleans up his act. Carvalho is photogenic, has done budgets, seems nice, wouldn't support Lynda Bell I assume and has no baggage except the affair with the newswoman covering him from the Miami Herald.
Carvalho has been featured on CNN, NBC, and ABC, and in publications such as The New York Times, District Administration Magazine, and The Christian Science Monitor. Watch him on video, he even speaks Creole!!! Well at least enough to say hello. Don't know that he is fluent.
Look at how good he looks in a suit in his glamor shot:
Mayor material? A lot of people think so.
And he's very very ambitious. Walks into a room and immediately looks around to see who's looking at him.
He has cleaned up the master messes left behind by Crew et al and then some. While I didn't vote yes on the school bonds a few election cycles ago, he's handled them well; responsibly. I would vote for him to be our County Mayor, donate to his campaign, and have faith he'll be great as a real leader cleaning up the Gimenez, Alvarez and Penelas messes. The downside would be the School Board would lose their MVP!
I believe the word you are looking for is: "postalita"
I think he has taken CREDIT for Crew's positive changes. He is the Hispanic version of Charlie Crist.
He does not have an earned doctorate therefore is severely limited in his capability to lead the community of scholars at this level. He holds the most important job in this community and the state, yet he cannot properly read the literature in the field, and without these rudimentary tools he has major cognitive gaps in understanding the learning process, in relating intellectually to other scholars at the academy, and in understanding and providing future directions for the enterprise of teaching and learning. Leadership by example is critical in education. And the board has failed to view this attribute as critical for this position. It is not just another administrative position. It is a leadership position.
That he would view the role of mayor as something he would aspire to is instructive. It is best for the community that he moves on. We need a real educator in this role.
In terms of the position of mayor, maybe he more suited for this role.
Finally we find a man who slept his way to the top. Is he still searching for the so-called hacker who sent all those sexual text messages to the Herald reporter -- the one who wrote all those favorable stories about him?
We call him "Pinocchio" down at the school board for several reasons. Any pics of him in profile?
You mentioned his affair with a newswoman as his only liability. But he denies having any affair. He is a liar. Why are you supporting someone we both know is a big liar?
He's an empty suit.
By reading this comment section I would say he must be the person that scares the Mayor the most! To think the insiders would lose the power and money from being connected makes me smile. Just the mention of a credible opponent to Carlos has made them put down the fork as they are eating a porterhouse at Mortons to pick up their smart phones to attack someone who may ruin their gravey train! I say anyone but Carlos who believes himself to be The King of Miami!
Welcome to prime time Albert. See what happens when you even hint at venturing out of that cozy little school board kingdom. All of the sudden, those Vaseline covered glamor shots start to show the high-def flaws.
Nothing to do with Carlos.... Morton's or any of the typical, redundant comments on the mayor. Alberto Carvalho is no better and probably worse.
No. I don't like him and will never vote for him. He got involved in an unbelievable mess at the Homestead Housing Authority without even contacting the board or anyone in authority. He simply came down and began throwing his voice all over the place. He was disrespectful and rude and had no business interfering in HHA
I believe him to be arrogant and full of himself...There is enough of that already in Miami.
I will work against him if he ever runs and will deliver factual information and proof to every voter of what his inference caused and how serious it was.
In the history of mankind this is the most exciting time to be in the field of education. To be in a major leadership role, have the potential of leading cutting-edge strategies, creating new learning technologies and applications, and orchestrating innovative delivery systems - for the pioneering spirit, is a wonderful position to find oneself. But you must have the intellectual capacity, and the vision to understand the significance of the role. As he moves on, the board needs to rethink the qualifications for this position. The future will present many challenges and opportunities, and effectively preparing people young and old to meet these challenges and take advantage of these opportunities will be critical.
Don't EVER call him Hispanic!
He is Portuguese and they are NOT part of Spain. If you ever want to see this man angry..... Call him Hispanic to his face!
He has a great PR machinery behind him; paid for by our tax dollars! And G.O.D. you bought it!
Not attacking the blogger..... But really Genius? Really? He's hollow,, vain and frankly not to bright..
“There are children here somewhere. I can smell them. Come along, kiddie-winkies!”
Gimenez supporters are out on a Saturday. They must be very afraid.
If Gimenez didn't support Lynda Bell with such vigor, he might have a chance. He recently gave her credit for a Frank Nero plan. How gauche. And Gimenez wasn't first in line when brains were given out.
Superintendents have to move on. Their life span is short. All you need is one school board member to do you in. Remember Ranier Diaz De La Portilla and crazy Marta Perez on Crew?
He would be a good Mayor. Do no harm should be his goal.
you said:
He's hollow,, vain and frankly not to bright..
That describes just about everyone in politics.
I have seen him lie. I have seen him lie in public.
He is mean and vindictive. He is a short angry man. He appears to have a taxpayer financed PR machine propping him up. He panders to minority groups. When he walks into a room or a restaurant his head swivels on his shoulders as he looks around for his enemies. He had an affair with a Herald reporter who was writing glowing reports about him. Once he got appointed Chairman he dumped her and the Herald dumped her.
Look, we don't have much to work with here. He doesn't fit in with the challenge of education, but he might be right for local government. Given the toxic political environment here, he might fit well in the mix and provide some semblance of order in an area filled with chaos.
One thing for sure, we need to get rid of the strong mayor form of government. You have a group of petty dictators here, and there is NO strong mayor material to work with.
That was my point Genious. I thought you wanted to raise the bar or that you believed he was above the typical bull shiters.
Not raising the bar because the voters are too stupid just checking out the landscape for SOMEONE who could win. Ethical people don't usually win elections.
Get rid of the guy who hired that expensive staff.
This dude is just another creep. Another egomaniac with a short person's insecurities. He will crash and burn.
Food for thought.... Phillip Levine. Miami Beachs new mayor. Business guy. Independently wealthy. No need to pander to special interest and lobbyist. Keep an eye on his performance.
Don't support anyone who does SLAPP (Strategic lawsuit against public participation) Suits...Phillip Levine. It is an evil club the rich use against the poor that disagree with them.
NEVER WOULD SUPPORT HIM after he threw bloggers out of his press conferences. Talk about EGO and using his rich person antics to squelch free speech...no good.
I've been around all of them and I'd take Carvalho over Gimenez hands down. No doubt a lot of Gimenez supporters commenting on this blog.
Carvalho and Gimenez both make horrible decisions. They both pander to special interests. They both screw the taxpayers. Miami-Dade County taxpayers are being choked by the excessive pay and benefit plans given to the vast majority of County employees. Watch Gimenez and a majority of the commissioners cave in to union demands over the next several weeks. Carvalho refuses to reduce the excessive number of over paid administrators and staff at the School Board. The taxpayers get screwed.
Jorge Perez for Mayor. "Get Your Dance On, At County Hall".
Carvalho lost me when he led that march demanding amnesty for illegal aliens in the middle of the school day. I hate Gimenez, but we can do better than that manipulative creep.
Many of the posters here are being petty and cruel. I have no dog in the hunt but have watched Alberto operate in various public settings. I hugely admire him for his ability to interact with people, for his vision, for managing to protect core learning functions when the governor was slashing support to education, for his ability to anticipate and articulate educational concerns, for his track record with regard to improving educational outcomes, for his consensus-building skills, and for the high level of public trust which he has established, without which the recent bond issue likely would have failed. What more do you want from the guy, really? Isn't this enough?
Sour grape Gimenez's supporters.
He is intellectually lazy. Why doesn't he have a doctorate?
At least one of the people posting on this thread works in PR with an assignment to fluff up Carvalho. Probably someone working for the School Board at taxpayer expense. I have seen Carvalho speak in public and he is shrill and angry. And he has to stand on a box to be seen.
Who cares whether he has a damn doctorate? Lots of idiots running around with doctorates. Didn't that moron Barbara Carey-Shuler insist on being called "Dr. Carey-Shuler?" She may have been smart at thieving, but she was certainly no intellectual. A PhD or EdD or JD does not mean a person is intelligent or competent. There are numerous examples.
Bert-O has been suspiciously quiet lately on FB...
A degree represents the process of getting there. Through that process much knowlege and many skills are learned that can be used for problem-solving. It is oxymoron to have a supertindent of schools who does not have a terminal degree. It is a level of basic skills competency for a supertindent. But in third-world, downwardly mobile communities like ours, a masters, bachelors, or high school diploma will do.
Education requires a very high level of training for leadership roles. Any high school drop-out can be mayor of Miami-Dade county. All they need to be able to do is get the votes. He might be well-suited for mayor.
I was a fan. He took over the School Board's budget, got rid of the system's smoochers, fixed problems and was an excellent orator. Yes, he is short ...so what?
However, as the years went by, the position has really gone to his head. Vain, arrogant, talks down to people, rude and thinks he is a god.
Would he be a good mayor? ...probably 'yes'.
I love that the idiot who thinks Carvalho needs a doctorate repeatedly misspells the word superintendent. So much for that terminal degree! LOL!
It doesn't matter how I spell superintendent. The logic holds. I think our children deserve the best. And we should give it to them. We started on this tract with Paul Bell, and with a few exceptions it has been downhill ever since then. I would be happy if he ran for mayor. The community would have another shot for top tier excellence.
Carvalho does not deserve to be a school teacher. Ignore his publicists. They lie.
Miami-Dade County can do better. The School Board can do better.
What if Carvalho did get a Ph.D. degree in linguistics, or Hispanic Studies, or ass scratching? How would that help him to do his job? Unless it directly relates to education administration, an advanced degree is meaningless for a superintendent.
Carvalho has successfully managed to build a positive relationship with the teachers, the union, the parents, the school board, and the media. That's saying a lot more than his predecessors who failed to do the same with their bullshit advanced degrees. Carvalho is doing just fine as superintendent and should stay there.
Let's hope a smart, ethical progressive politician surfaces to challenge the narcissist Carlos Gimenez. That egotistical idiot needs to be brought down a peg.
Wow! This thing has generated a lot of comments.
From an outsider's perspective, Carvalho seems to be doing well at the School Board. When he got there it was a mess and the place seems to be running well now.
I find it so ironic that Gimenez, after being lionized and idolized on this site when he first ran for mayor, is now being vilified. When anyone would write a negative observation about Gimenez in the run-up to the 2010 election they would be pilloried. Yet now this blog can't stand Gimenez.
I think Carvalho has his eyes on something much bigger than Miami-Dade County Mayor.
We could use a smart ethical progressive leader. Carvahlo is not that man. Carvalho is a short angry twerp.
Carvalho needs to take an Anger Management class and then he needs to move to another state.
Too narcissistic for my taste. You have to wear sunglasses when he smiles. He's way too liberal for my taste too, but some of you might like him here.
Carvalho is just another pol using the taxpayers money to pay publicists to inflate his image.
Alvarez, Gimenez & Carvalho have one trait in common: all are career bureaucrats. Miami Dade desperately needs a real outsider with business experience.
Carvalho deserves credit for his work at the school district, but he is untested outside of that closed system.
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