Monday, July 15, 2013

Mark Bell's Campaign Report in his Quest for Homestead Mayor. By Geniusofdespair

All the Jacksonville donations at the beginning are connected to Wayne Rosen. He has beena partner of Wayne's. I didn't seen ay Wayne Rosen donations on Steve Bateman's report. Don't vote for Mark Bell unless you want Lynda Bell holding two posts. Here is Lynda Bell's campaign report for County Commission.

Jon Burgess, be a man and register for this race. They are going to use this campaign money Lynda Bell is raising for her husband to put lipstick on a pig and Mark Bell will win. Look, Mark is even getting money from Bell's friend Palmetto Bay's vice mayor John Dubois through his corporations. Do the best thing for your city and run for Mayor. Stop being a coward, taking the safe route. Your City needs you now more than even. Steve Bateman cannot win without Rosen's money. Lynda Mark Bell will be your Mayor.

I am tired of connecting dots for all you guys. You have got to start thinking for yourselves. You keep electing toxic people and frankly it makes me want to puke. I am tired of this feeling.  I will present information but you guys have to make the change happen.  I try to warn you all, but you don't go out there and make it happen, you let charlatans win and this crushes my spirit. Are you going to let Wayne Rosen's money pick your Mayor? If not you have to go out there and talk to people...all of you.


Anonymous said...

I read this yesterday. I had to laugh at the donor businesses who received CRA funding or other types of County grant just like Mark Bell. Two of them are Stick & Stein and the Goodyear place. His mortgage holder making a donation along with DuBois was predictable.Rosen must have had to really hold his nose to write checks too!

Anonymous said...

The fact that Mark Bell is by far the lesser of the three evils running legitimate campaigns for Mayor tells you a lot !

Geniusofdespair said...

He is not the lesser of three evils, he is the worst evil. Lynda Bell will be Mayor again if he wins.

Anonymous said...

If you think Wayne Rosen runs Homestead now, vote for Mark Bell and Wayne will get whatever he wants.

Anonymous said...

An effective elected official possesses good character and leadership. Jon Burgess has never exhibited leadership of any kind since he was elected. He appears to evade and sidestep it. He is the ultimate fence-sitter.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone out there know anything about Mark Bell: his background, work experience, government knowledge, and issues?

Let's dig in folks and find out who Mark Bell really is.

Homestead thinking person said...

Mark Bell is Lynda Bell's hen pecked husband who has been a plumber or on disability till Lynda engineered the buying of the Homestead hotel.

Anonymous said...

Even if I was a fan of Commissioner Bell, I would say that this is a conflict of interest to have a sitting commissioner who has Homestead in her district and a husband who is mayor. Is there, perhaps, some ethics code that precludes him from running? This should not be a family affair. Is there some ordinance that one could reference to this. I certainly think it would be hard to follow Sunshine or Jenkins (?name?) Laws. Would the Commissioner have to recuse herself from votes?

Anonymous said...

You care too much. We deserve the Bells.

Anonymous said...

Sorry G.O.D., a Mayor whose wife has a nasty personality is better than a corrupt Mayor which is what Homestead would have with either Porter or Bateman as Mayor. Bell voted against runaway development while on the Homestead Council; neither Porter nor Bateman ever voted no against over building. A vote for Porter is a vote to return Shiver and compnay to power in Homestead. We know what a vote for Bateman is.

Geniusofdespair said...

When Lynda was elected it was not with Rosen and rock mining money. This is different, Rosen will run this guy. So will Torice. I would rather have anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Even absent leadership abilities, I'd rather see Burgess than Bell.


Anonymous said...

Another Bell in office is the LAST thing Homestead needs. Look at all the good Bateman has brought. Transportation, schools, opportunities... Rome wasn't built in a day. But a Bell can destroy it in one! What did LB ever do? Except almost drive the city to ruins! Her puppeteer husband in office would definitely be a conflict of interest! Taking a deeper look at their personal lives will prove this... Where does their money come from? What kind of family do they have? Personality style? Vindictive towards anyone who did not support them, or the good Christians they claim to be??? Genius is right, no more Bell! Bateman is the best thing that ever happened to the city of Homestead!