It is budget time, people are being laid off, libraries will close, there was even a threat of a budget boost. But the some of the Commissioners recently went globetrotting to Singapore and Europe on our dime on "Trade" missions. The Mayor should put a stop to this and they all should forgo trips paid for by others including the Mayor (see comments). It smells.
This lapse of common sense -- to take these trips with tax and special interest money during budget cut time -- amounts to Maria Antoinette saying "Let them eat cake" when learning the peasants had no bread.
The mayor did not go to Europe on the public dime. His trip was paid for by a private non for profit that pays for these trips. But, don't let facts get in the way of your preferred narrative.....
I read the Mayor was traveling overseas with his wife and at least one well known lobbyist. It was the same lobbyist who wants taxpayer money for his many private clients. Did the taxpayers pay for the trip? Was the Mayor collecting his salary and his various pensions while he was away from Miami-Dade County?
I rewrote it, but it doesn't sound any better. Taking trips at budget time is plain stupid.
What is that private not for profit's name? And why would they pay for his trip to Paris? Maybe that same not for profit should make an equal donation to the library system?
In any case, were the costs of Gimenez staffers coveted? Or other commissioners and their staff? What was the total cost to taxpayers of the trips?
Perhaps Mr. Know it all commentator can provide these answers? Oh, and was there any business generated by the trip. A cost-benefit analysis - the same one Gimenez applies to libraries he is shutting down based on "attendance" should be applied. Or is there a double standard when it comes to services real people (taxpayers) use like libraries and public parks?
What a crock of shit:
Here is the phony non profit:
and it's officers:
Officer/Director Detail Name & Address
Title D
MIAMI, FL 33128
Title C
Diaz, Jose "Pepe"
MIAMI, FL 33128
Title VC
MIAMI, FL 33128
Title T
MIAMI, FL 33142
From the Miami Herald:
Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez will travel to Spain on Saturday as part of large delegation looking to promote the county as a business destination.
More than 25 people will make the week-long trip to Madrid and Barcelona, including Commissioner Javier Souto and a half-dozen county staffers.
The travel expenses for Gimenez and the county employees, estimated at more than $2,800 each, will be paid for by a nonprofit set up to fund these sorts of trips.
> Souto’s expenses will be paid for out of his taxpayer-funded office budget. The other delegates from outside county government will pay their own way.
Damned if you do.
Damned if you don't.
Mayor Alvarez got recalled for saving services with a small tax rate increase for a minority of residents.
Let the axe swing Mayor Gimenez, it's what the people want.
They can go to Spain to study the light rail system by FEVE, France for tunnel designs and Switzerland to study art competition for Art Basel. These things are important and need to be studied. Miami Beach and Miami are already lobbyist cities that aren't worth a grain of sand for regular citizens. No free trips for you.
Libraries Mayor Gimenez wants to close - is your library on the list? California Club, Opa-locka, Golden Glades, Civic Center Kiosk, Lemon City, Little River, Model City, Culmer, North Shore, Shenandoah, South Shore, Fairlawn, Virrick Park, Country Walk, Concord, Sunset, Lakes of the Meadows, Tamiami, West Kendall Regional, Doral, Hialeah Gardens and Palm Springs North.
Get involved to save your library. Here’s how from the Friends of Miami Dade Library:
“Millage rates are set this evening. It is up to all of us to call our Commissioners now and tell them how instrumental the library is and has been in our lives and for our communities. Don’t let your voice go unheard.
Miami-Dade County - Board of County Commissioners - Board Of County Commissioners (BCC)
The Board of County Commissioners (BCC) are the people elected in 13 districts to represent you.
It is imperative that we CALL & E-MAIL. The more visible and vocal we are about standing up for our public services, the more push we will have in keeping them safe from more and more cuts.
Read more here:
Issue here relative to the non- profit formed for mayor to travel is who are the individuals contributing to this non profit and are they currently doing business with the county or have in the past or plan to in the future like Genting.
"Private non-profit"???
Mama June Does Singapore on your dime, y'all!
To the first Anon. You are wrong. The ITC as it was formerly known is a county agency/department funded by tax payer dollars.... Don't let the facts get in the way...
Are any commissioners or the Mayor giving up their vehicle allowances? Their gas cards? Their junket trips? Their police chauffeurs? Didn't think so. -2009/10 Annual Report-The creation of this new office will also serve to improve coordination with the key economic development agencies of Miami-Dade County and other trade related organizations in the community. The future looks bright, and I am proud to Chair the newly created International Trade Advisory Board that will serve to further expand business and international trade opportunities for the citizens of our hard working community. As in the past, we will continue to actively push forward projects and initiatives that will help revitalize our local economy. I want to thank Mayor Carlos Alvarez, the Chair and Board of County Commissioners, and County Manager George Burgess for the faith they have shown in our efforts. A special thanks to the ITC Board of Directors, their assistance has made all the difference. Last but not least, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to ITC Executive Director, Tony Ojeda and his staff for without the dedication and support they have shown, we would not have achieved our objectives. Sincerely, Natacha Seijas
Miami-Dade County Commissioner ITC Chair
I am pleased to submit, as required by Ordinance 02-225 §2-1505 (as amended), the FY 2009-2010 Annual Report for the Jay Malina International Trade Consortium of Miami-Dade County (ITC).
With the adoption of the Budget Ordinances for FY 2010-2011, the Jay Malina International Trade Consortium became the Office of Economic Development and International Trade of Miami-Dade County. The new agency will better utilize scarce resources and maximize the County's ability to coordinate its economic development and international trade initiatives with our key economic development partners in the private sector. I am thrilled about this new challenge, and look forward to an exciting new program to better serve the needs of our residents. I want to thank the Mayor, the Board of County Commissioners, and the County Manager, for their continued
leadership and assistance. Above all, I want to offer my most sincere thanks to ITC Chair, Commissioner Natacha Seijas, for without her unyielding support and guidance we could not have achieved so much or come so far. I also want to thank the ITC Board of Directors for their countless hours of volunteer service and participation. And, finally, I want to thank my dedicated and diligent staff. I am very proud of each and every one of them, for they have shown the utmost professionalism in the most trying of times. Sincerely, J.A. Ojeda, Jr. Executive Director
SenegalITC organized and conducted its first joint business development
mission in partnership with Enterprise Florida, to Dakar, Senegal,
October 17th-20th, 2009. Commissioner Audrey Edmonson led the delegation. The purpose of the mission was to strengthen bilateral trade and increase cultural linkages between Miami-Dade County and this strategically selected African city. Delegates received in-country briefings from U.S. Embassy officials and the U.S. Foreign Commercial Service in Senegal, as well as high-level government officials in Dakar among others. One of the most significant achievements during the mission was the completion of the Sister Cities agreement with Dakar. This historic signing is the first Sister Cities affiliation between Miami- Dade County and an African city.
Anon What a Croc
Miami-Dade County has a written conflict of interest policy that applies to all Miami-Dade County Boards including the International Trade Advisory Board of Directors who also serve as the TMC Board of Directors. Each year they are are also required to file a Financial Disclosure Form with the County's Elections Department. This form discloses interests that could give rise to potential conflicts. If they fail to file, they are notified by the Elections Department and can lose eligibility to serve on the board.
The TMC makes its governing documents, conflict of interest policy, and financial statements available to the public As an arm of Miami-Dade County's Economic Development & International Trade Unit of the Sustainability, Planning and Economic Enhancement Department, the TMC follows (as does the County) guidelines - set -by the - State- of Florida that promote transparency, As specified in the TMC By-laws, its board of directors meetings are open to the public in compliance with Section 286.011 of the, Florida Statutes, the "Sunshine Law" EDIT also posts a current copy of the TMC Bylaws on its webpage located at: http_//www.miamidade_gov/oedit/IibraryrTMC _BY _LAWS_pdf
And, the TMC records meeting minutes for its board meetings which are available to the public.
More Croc
FORM 990
October 1, 2010 and ending September 30 , 2011
Trade Mission Center of the Americas, Inc.
Total revenue-Last year $17,838 This Year $35,310
(B) Average hours per week
(1) Mario E. Goderich Assistant Director < 1
(2) Bruno Barreiro Chairperson of ITA Board of Directors < 1
(3) Jean Monestime Vice-Chairperson < 1
(4) Bernadine Bush Treasurer < 1
(5) Walter Loy Secretary < 1
The mayor takes no car allowance, and he took away the allowances away from everyone under his purview. Commissioners kept there's. they approve the budget after all, and can change it however they deem fit.
Did the Mayor let the 13 County Commissioners keep their $1 Mil plus slush funds? Are commissioners still using police officers to drive them around the County? Does Gimenez still have a pack of ex-firemen and a Broward County based Deputy Mayor on his office payroll?
Stay tuned for the August vacation of Commissioners traveling to Turkey...yes, these turkeys are traveling to Turkey...just weeks after laying off 400 employee because they don't have the balls to take responsibility for raising revenues needed to provide services this community expects. What a bunch of effing wimps.
As a public housing tenant, the Heat needs to pay its back rent. We need our money, and they have the ability to pay. Additionally, they need to go through the budget and carefully cut out the fat. Instead they go directly to services that people use as a way of pressuring the public to increase taxes. It is not either or, it's is collecting what we are owed, and cutting out what is not needed.
Gimenez and 8 County Commissioners vote to close libraries yet Gimenez doesn't have the balls to tell the Heat to pay its rent or to terminate its illegal LED billboard. Gimenez wants our children dumber and his friends richer.
Thanks for the perspective on the ITC. The whole thing did seem like a crock of shit. What we need to do is ask specifically what they did, who they met and what is going to happen. In other words, what did they do on their summer vacation. If they can't give you good answers, well then....they need to own it.
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