There are so many candidates for Mayor in North Miami I got dizzy trying to keep track.
Now running:
Gwendolyn V. Boyd ($38.577 raised of which $25,000 is a loan and has been running since June 2012), Kevin Burns, Modira Escarment, Joseph Smith ($34,700 raised of which $30,000 is a loan), Jean Rodrigue Marcellus ($4,000 raised, all but $300 is a loan), Anna L. Pierre ($3,005 raised) and Lucie M. Tondreau. That adds up to 7 Candidates. One dropped out, there were 8. It is still early, some of them have not even filed a campaign treasurer's report. Gwendolyn was the former Chief of Police and was let go, she did get a cash settlement from the city. As a former Criminal Justice Professor, I would think she would have the wherewithal to clean up the corruption going on in North Miami.
The one with the best slogan: "I Love Lucie." Don't discount a good slogan. The bad part about Lucie Tondreau is she is working for Michael Swerdlow. Ick. Some of the Oaks residents in North Miami are angry with Swerdlow for going back on a bunch of promises he made verbally to them when he snagged the Biscayne Landing/Munisport project for the second time. Swerdlow is back in the North Miami picture at Biscayne Landing ( I always thought it was good when he left the City the first time, so I don't see this as a good thing). I always considered him an opportunist. He had some mortgage dealing with Joe Celestin, the former mayor. Read it all. I don't want a Mayor linked to him AT ALL.
Joseph Smith has a medical practice in North Miami. But his nuclear family lives in the Davie area. Hmmm on that.
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Does she live in the district? Rousaint Ermonfils and his wife take a Homestead Exemption at the address she lists, and it is only 3 bedrooms and 1 bath. |
My vote so far, if I were voting: Kevin Burns. Someone has to clean up the ethical/corruption problems running rampant in North Miami and he ran the City well last time around. He got that High School built. We will see what shakes out, the election is May 14th.
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Kevin Burns Former Mayor of North Miami and Current Candidate. |
North Miami is so corrupt. I don't think anyone can fix it.
N. Miami is a great example of the chaos and corruption that results when Haitians are in charge.
There are a few bad apples don't trash a whole barrel.
He is handsome...
Make no mistake that Swerdlow is calling the shots. Lots of soft money likely to go unreported, including the "buying" of radio hosts on the Haitian radio stations. Canvassers going door to door after absentees may "volunteer" for a candidate but can be paid by a third party. That Lucie Tondreau doesn't really live in the city is old news, but the city charter won't get in the way of her being elected.
Lucie Tondreau is used to the old style of Haitian politics and she is easily controlled by the "puppet masters". She won't win.
you are usually so right on - how could you possibly endorse Kevin Burns - he is an absolute unadulterated crook - just google him - New Times exposed him - the HERALD exposed him - ask the $50T in vendors he burned when he ran for the US Senate against Dan Gelber - or the trail of bad checks he left when he ran for the Florida Senate. He has no conscience and uses political office for all the wrong reasons - ask to see his financials - find out how he makes a living - NOT - and see where all his money comes from Swerdlow in his campaign account which he lives out of - this man is exactly what is wrong with politics today - Gwen Boyd on the other hand is a breath of fresh air - if the powers that be in this town were more honest she would have been arresting Kevin Burns not running against him.
I didn't ENDORSE Kevin Burns. It is a far cry from saying I would vote for him and saying I would WANT YOU TO VOTE FOR HIM. I called Gwen and couldn't get a straight answer out of her to the question : "why are you running". Not such a hard question to answer. She even called me back and still wouldn't answer it. Ridiculous. So, based on what I know now about the candidates, including their ability to mount a campaign, I chose Burns. Don't care about his personal finances anymore than Boyd getting fired.This city is dysfunctional and an embarrassment to South Florida. They need to get the least of all the evils to become Mayor.
Dr. Boyd cried racism in her suit because she didn't get a new car from a strapped city. Someone willing to invoke race into a racially divided city is thinking of herself not the good of the community. I found her self-serving. She also went after a high salary. Selfish not self-less. Bad quality for a public servant, maybe okay for staff. Just maybe.
Government workers make 130% to 200% more than private sector workers. High salaries, full medical plans, Defined Benefit Pension Plans, take home vehicles, $600 per month vehicle allowances, 30 hour work weeks... 70% to 80% of all taxes go to "pay and benefits" for the pampered public sector workers. It is no wonder taxpayers are fed up. We hope N. Miami can elect an honest (enough) candidate.
I agree with your personal pick of Burns. By process of elimination and in no particular order...Boyd sued the city and pocketed a big chunk of change by way of my hard earned tax dollars. Not to mention that she has a walk-in closet full of skeletons of her own which keeps me from considering her. Thinking she would clean up corruption in NM would be funny if not for the seriousness of the City's current situation. Kinda like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. One of her loud talking supporters is the very definition of hypocritical - sure wish I had the council meeting videos where the woman regularly lost her mind raging against the police chief...calling her crooked more times than can be remembered. Thankfully, people know what that's all about.
And, it appears that Haitian voters don't care about non-residents getting elected, there's a history of it. Tondreau's reputation is far worse than residency issues. She is for sale to the highest bidder (and Frank Wolland's pick - nuff said). Then there's Smith Joseph, whose wife is the former assistant city attorney under Dellagloria (he being the mastermind behind Swerdlow's contract rape of the NM) Golly gee!
Don't know much or anything at all about the other candidates. The implications of one of them getting elected is scarier still.
So, yeah. I'm with you. Burns has my vote. God save North Miami.
Gwen Boyd had a law suit against The City of North Miami “claiming discrimination”. Yet while she was the City of North Miami Police Chief and in cahoots with corrupted Celestin, she eliminated swimming from the Police department recruitment criteria specifically to increase black minority. Who is discriminating?? She should be ashamed of herself. North Miami has hundreds of miles of canals, waterfront, lakes, and beaches. As Police Chief, she endangered all those hired deputies plus lowered the safety and well being of ALL the North Miami residence. Our officers need to be in terrific physical shape, being a cop should be expected to be physically demanding. Officers must run fast, have high level of endurance, cardiovascular stamina and MUST know how to swim. Pulling the discrimination card is unacceptable after what she did while being Chief of Police. Although Burns may not be perfect he has my vote!
Isn't the logo I Love Lucy (and the red heart) copywriter by CBS CORP.can Ms Tondreau use it? Or she has asked for permission.Just wondering.
Has anyone questioned if Ms Lucie Tondreau has the authority to use the I Love Lucie logo complete with the red heart or should CBS Broadcasting should be informed and asked?
I live in Sunkist Grove and two months ago Smith had someone knocking on doors and passing out & collecting absentee ballot requests. The had a clipboard full of them when they knocked on my door. Last month another group was going around gettting absentee ballots for I thought Despinosse, but I saw in the article he wasn't running. Just like the November '12 election, its over before election day.
Campaigns are allowed to work on absentee ballot request forms. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MESS WITH THE ACTUAL ABSENTEE BALLOT. 2 months ago -- it was the request.
Lucie M. Tondreau was a big supporter of Pierre and look how that turned out. A friend of his a not the future mayor of mine. Besides if the people she hires and chooses to surround herself with are anything like her campaign team the city of north miami is doomed to worse than it already is. NOT only are they rude and refuse to speak English even after you explain to them that you prefer to speak English (and they can speak it but told me that "we are a family and as a family we speak the language of the family to which I responded I am American from the US and I speak English smh"). I have never in my life had a campaign person ask me who i voted for after I told them I voted. When i heard the question I was shocked but I was told that they ask everyone and it's not illegal. May not be illegal but Im not sure its allowed under the Ethical stuff and besides if its not under that common curtesy thats none of your damn business! Hot mess! I DO NOT love Lucie is more like it with her us against them tactic and lies. smh
This Election is a chaos. The fact that Andre Pierre. Endorsing Lucie. Lucie team have no respect for voters Nor The poll workers. Her campaign manager charly is very rude to every body, specially the voters. Since last week all his been doing his grabbing voters by their arms and force them to vote for Lucie aka lumess.
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