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Phoney Baloney? Who writes "Branch Office" on a sign? |
How dumb is Bruno Barreiro? If you read the Miami Herald today, you will assume pretty dumb. Apparently Barreiro did not recuse himself from 2 votes on a contract award even though he has strong and numerous ties to one of the bidders, MCM, including using a property owned by the bidder (he paid $700 a month) for his campaign headquarters. Read the article and barf.
The dumbest thing said by Barreiro was when he was trying to distance himself from MCM at the same time he was trying to prove that his campaign office was sharing space with MCM (MCM needed a City of Miami address for their business to get an upper-hand with the bid):
Barreiro said he is to blame for taking down the MCM signs, and that there was someone from MCM working alongside him in the office the entire time he rented the property.So Barreiro admits he is working alongside someone from MCM while voting on their contract...not just once but twice.
Barreiro really does live up to his corrupt and Mentally deficient reputation. The people of his district, namely the senior citizen section 8, "I'll vote for anyone who gives me a free pastelito and cuban coffee" voters that re-elected this tool back into offfice deserve every inch of corruption they receive. I have a feeling this is only the tip of the iceberg. Keep digging into his campaign contributions report, Ms. Rundle, if you dare to get off your arse you will discover a treasure trove of conflict. Jeff Bercow, Jorge Perez, Neisen "preservationist" Kasdin, the Munilla family, Michael Larkin, Herman"tax dodger"Echeverria etc....
If the Herald or Ms. Rundle would do their job, they could really get to the heart of what makes this dirty, DIRTY, city tick!
Oh....almost forgot.... 110 million dollar bond for his buddy, Demitrio Perez, to buy out his Charter School contract. Demitiro gave over $10K to Barreiro's campaign. Many more favors to come from this politically and morally corrupt POS!
Bruno Barrerio also takes buckets of money from the outdoor advertising industry. They use him to promote their sleazy illegal billboards and Bruno grins as he takes their cash. Do not forget, Bruno made the Motion to Approve the "deal" to divert over $3 BILLION to the Marlins.
There are a number of candidates who could beat him in that district. Luis Garcia could run again, or mabe someone younger like Alex Dominguez, although he is running for the Miami commission. Also someone like Francis Suarez who surely wil most likely will lose the Mayors race in 2013 can beat Bruno as well. Bottom line is he needs to removed from public office. Jimmy morales also a possibility?
Mary on the beach
Suarez would be a major upgrade. No way on Morales!!!! But I think Suarez will beat regalado and it won't happen
How about ADLP? He needs a job.
Francis Suarez will stay a City of Miami commissioner. The part-time job pays $105,000 per year plus benefits and he can work on the side. Plus he only has to show up 3-4 days a month. County commissioners only get paid $40,000 to $50,000 per year, plus all the money they can pull in on the side, of course.
Alex de la portilla?... Isn't he going to run for Mayor of Miami also?
Mr. Suarez is just another bucket of grease that keeps the corrupt machinery of this city chugging along. Take a look at his father. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
Ok we are back to Luis Garcia
Take a look at all the "usual suspects" paying into Francis Suarez's political committee. They are paying to buy influence.
Corruption is a given at the County Commission, but Barreiro's superior level of stupidity exceeds all.
Bruno Barrerio made the Motion to Approve the Marlins diversion of $3 BILLION and it was Bruno who refused to accept any "friendly amendments" that might have made the "deal" better for the taxpayers. Dennis Moss and others helped Bruno rip off the taxpayers.
City is the worst of all. Regalado, Sarnoff, and now Gort it seems is worse tthan all of them. I am ready to vote for Frank Carollo over Francis Suarez any day of the week. I like crazy Joe versus The X man offspring.
The City of Miami elected officials, especially Regalado and Sarnoff, all have ethics issues. Does Frank Carollo live in his district? Anyone looked into Francis Suarez's donor list? Gort taking free billboard ads? Spence pimping for her donors? Sarnoff pushing illegal LED billboards...
Carollo will not be re-elected and neither will regalado.
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