Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"Open Government in M-D? Only if we say so ... " by gimleteye

Excuse us? It comes to our attention Mayor Carlos Gimenez issued on August 21, 2012 a memo: "Public Records Website Expansion Plan". The memo begins benignly: "... we have developed a more comprehensive open government transparency portal". Fair enough.

It ends, "However, certain information not automatically posted will require review by staff to determine its eligibility for placement on the website. A committee will be established to determine what records should be posted online. This committee, to be called the Public Information Committee ..."

Don't you feel better, now?


Anonymous said...

What's the status of the lawsuits to throw out the absentee ballots ?

Anonymous said...

This made me laugh louder than the water sewer issues. Remember the "sunshine laws" which have now been turned in to kind of like sunshine in the shade or tight rope walking by politicians. Whatever they can get away with away from the public, they can & will. It's just the Miami way.

Anonymous said...

And where is Ana Sol Alliegro?

Anonymous said...

Public Information Committee? This vaguely sounds like Robespierre's Committee of Public Safety which was used to suppress public information and internal uprisings.

This has all the markings of public censorship and restriction of public information.

Is the County becoming a dictatorship led by our newly-elected "tinhorn" strongman Carlos Gimenez?

Youbetcha' said...

Please think. You really don't want total transparency because you, the citizen, could up with additional personal information up on the county website. For instance, even if the county redacted your bank account info on the checks you give them, your address, banking location and other info would be there... I know that any researcher could already source way too much info off the web about us (thus our family's Id fraud situation)-- however, I really don't want to further enhance the flow of my personal information into the public domain.

Any work product of a county employee should be available. Again, some info must be protected from use for fraud.

The sunshine and public records thing is ignored anyhow. The cities are horrible because they are too small socially to prevent elected officials from bumping into each other and issues.I am still waiting for responses from the elections dept that were requested in 2010.

People just do workarounds when they want to avoid disclosure of information. You add an element of cloak and dagger when people want to move information without it being tracked.

Mensa said...

Public disinformation committee.!!!!!

David said...

If you really want to get pissed off, google Miami-Dade County CAFR, and read it.