Thursday, August 09, 2012

The Stop Rush Project ... by gimleteye

"The Stop Rush (Limbaugh) Project" has a simple purpose: "to bring pressure on the advertisers responsible for keeping him on public airwaves."

This is a very sensible idea. The website lists dozens of petitions and grass roots efforts to educate the public about toxic Rush.

The point, in a Daily Kos report is: "
"... carrying Rush Limbaugh is a liability to any station owner that isn't Clear Channel. Station owners don't like liabilities. They want no controversy at all. They just want to make money, and the smart ones are already figuring out that Rush doesn't make much money for them, at least not the way he used to."


Anonymous said...

Efforts to stop those with different ideas is an old and tried formula for censorship and runs contrary to our American principles.

Grillo said...

Choosing not to listen/watch a program on radio or tv, for whatever reason, is also one of our American principles. Everyday programs are cancelled because of low ratings. So, if enough people find Rush Limbaugh a hate and garbage peddler and his program is cancelled because of low ratings, that action falls in line with our American business principles of business for profit.

That is not censorship.

Anonymous said...

Tell that to Obama.

Anonymous said...

The truth is that the left has been trying to get this wind bag off the airways for years. It hasn't worked and the left is annoyed that he has so many devout listeners. Since the fairness doctrine didn't work, they are now going after his advertisers. The advertisers realize the huge audience is there and will continue to spend money on his program. It's just entertainment folks!

Herbie said...

Why not support a competing talk show host with views you support?

It appears sad and desperate when you want to eliminate free speech and a voice from the marketplace of ideas.

Herbie said...

You want him off the airwaves because you don't like his ideas? Why not instead support another talk show host that you do support?

If your ideas and ideology were superior, you would welcome an opportunity for a free exchange of ideas. However, by trying to silence a conservative voice, you only appear desperate and petty.

Anonymous said...

Who supports Rush? The US Chamber of Commerce and other lobbying entities with a stake in suppressing intelligent dialogue. The airwaves belong to everyone, not corporations whose political agendas are aired through ideologues and fear-mongers like Rush. Take back the air waves.

Anonymous said...

if you can't beat'em, ban'em.