Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rep. Aiken and his science of rape represent mainstream Republican values ... by gimleteye

US Senate candidate, Congressman Todd Aiken is now famous for stepping into this election cycle with comments along the lines of defending the mainstream Republican position against all abortion even when a woman is raped, asserting that a woman's body rejects the sperm of a "legitimate" rapist.

That this kind of gobbledegook holds sway with the GOP is unsurprising, given that extremists control the GOP. Top Republicans are horrified because it throws another obstacle in the way of independent voters (and women) with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, who stood side-by-side Aiken in the House only a year ago to reinforce the GOP obsession with a woman's freedom of choice.

Republicans are rushing to protect their damaged brand, but they can't dismiss that Congressman Aiken was appointed by GOP leadership to the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.

The front page of Aiken's website boasts a quote from Thomas Jefferson, "And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God?" (Notes on the State of Virginia: Query XVIII, 1781)"

Aiken's God is a God who harbors both a love and suspicion of the "weaker sex". Over decades, as the Republican Party expelled moderates, the primacy of men -- not mankind -- became a loosely concealed value of the GOP.

On the extremist end, paternalistic leaders who dominate the household are central features of the radical right, but its essence permeates the Republican Party straight into the House of Representatives and US Senate where freedom and happiness as determined by men have mixed with the fuel of anti-science bias.

The freedom and happiness of mankind, Jefferson wrote, are the main objectives of all science. The Founders of the nation could not imagine 21st century science and yet the GOP embraces the blinders of three hundred plus years ago. Its values are based in ignorance and its science -- like Aiken's claims for women's ability to reject a rapist's sperm -- is fictional.

If American voters have any sense, they will immunize themselves against this strain of infection at the polls in November. In doing so, voters might give energy to the re-emergence of a moderate wing of the Republican Party. From these words, to God's ear.


David said...

To liken Akin's perverted views as Republican "mainstream" is akin to portraying Jeremiah Wright's racist anti-America vitriol as Democratic mantram.

While painting with a broad brush makes opportunity for cute political riposte, it cheapens the debate and obscures reality by obfuscating the complex mix of intellectualism present in the platforms of both parties.

The issue of abortion is a hot button on both sides that will never be resolved and as a result, is passé at this point.

More relevant in the upcoming presidential election is the stark choice concerning the philosophies of the two candidates; the European style socialist intrusion of government intrusion as deeply as possible into as many aspects of our lives offered by Barry Obama and his juvenile running mate, or the less government personal freedom agenda put forth by Mittens and Ryan.

Let's keep our eyes on the ball versus demonizing candidates based on the conduct of others wearing similar political clothing. Akin-Romney makes much less sense than Barry-Jeremiah.

By the way, why does Barry say a fetus is not a baby, but a 26 year old is?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you look at the studies that have been done that document that pregnancies are much less likely to occur with rape.

Is it so crazy to believe that one's mind has a role in fertility?

Anonymous said...

If you want to get pregnant 5% chance. If you get raped 5% chance.

Anonymous said...

Republicans continue to distinguish themselves with their titanic ignorance. Morons. Aiken's comments will further alienate female voters from the Republican Party. Let them keep talking. Before long no one will vote for R&R.

In a recent Q&A Article in "Rolling Stone" James Carville quoted GOP strategist Ed Rollins: "The problem with our party is it's too old, too white, and too fat."

Yep. That's it.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Stephen Krason writes: “A number of studies have shown that pregnancy resulting from rape is very uncommon. One, looking at 2190 victims, reported pregnancy in only 0.6 percent.” (Abortion: Politics, Morality, and the Constitution [Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1984], 283.) 

Farfell said...

Anonymous: you are quoting a catholic school political science professor. Now there is a non neutral, non medical expert for you.

Anonymous said...

don't link this to all republicans. My friends and I (all Cuban American women And Republicans)believe it is the women's choice (not the government's).

Anonymous said...

ok....the rules say "DO NOT ATTACK THE BLOOGERS"

Some much for a debate or dialogue that is meaningful or productive.

Geniusofdespair said...

If you believe it is a woman's choice, why are you a republican?

Other person...what possible debate could you launch on this subject? We are not buying pub tired talking points.

The warning is for personal attacks.... Principles not personalities. Talking points: NEVER!

Anonymous said...

Genius ..I can't believe you wrote, "if you are for women's choice, then why are you a republican?" There are many, many other issues OTHER than the right to choose.

Geniusofdespair said...

Which are?

Anonymous said...

I don't believe in funding the lazy (that's a big issue).

I don't mind helping the needy, but funding the perpetual lazies??