Friday, July 20, 2012

Caught in the Act: Michael Bileca Candidate CHEAT? By Geniusofdespair

In House District 115 there appears to be cheating going on. Michael Bileca campaign workers, it was alleged to this blogger by the person who took the photo, were removing the signs of his challenger Eugenio Perez. Shame of you two campaign workers. There is no REASON to cheat Michael, you raised $238,250 to Eugenio's $8,000. If you can't win with that much money you deserve to lose.


Anonymous said...

Isn't tampering with your opponent's signs, etc. against the law? It might be a misdemeanor but it will still cost them a fine, etc.

Jeffrey (Doc) Solomon said...

And this explains why so many of my signs are missing... Come on Bileca, your cheating not only me and Perez but most important the citizens of our community on a choice other than that of the fringe right wingnut that you are!
Jeffrey (Doc) Solomon

Lisa Merkin said...

Coincidence or not I was just wondering where all the Doc Solomon signs were.... Hmmmm! Come on playing dirty hurts our community .

Lisa merkin

Anonymous said...

What does DOC stand for?

Oscar Roque said...

It just plain Dade County politics as usual. It's time for a change. We need to get rid of these career politians and elect people that will "work for the people" regardless of party lines. I'm a card carring Republican for over 34 years and I'm supporting "Doc" Solomon. Sorry Bileca you lost this one a while ago!!

Ross said...

Rep. Bileca is probably just waking up to the fact that very recent registration numbers in his district have moved it from being a GOP district to a "toss-up."

Anonymous said...

We are the Banana Republic and America, we are coming for you!

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of incumbents like bileca. No Russian should be representing a district that is 85% Hispanic. How can he be their representative and can't even speak Spanish.. Perez is the perfect candidate for district 115 hands down..

Guy on bike said...

I am the person in the picture. I put down the Bileca sign and saw a photo flash. Geno Perez' sign is still at that location (87th and Coral Way) I dont see how you can jump to the conclusion that I stole a Geno sign from this picture.

Ressy 10 said...

Just what we do not need , another leglislator that lacks integrity. Geno Perez is a man with integrity, just what Florida needs in a big way.

Geniusofdespair said...

Racist. You don't have to be Hispanic to govern Hispanics. Go back to your country of origin if you believe that. We don't need people with small minds voting. Just pick a qualified person, no matter the race or ethnicity. Your kind of thinking gets bad people in office.

Solomon is a chiropractor.

Anonymous said...

WTF??? You have to speak Spanish to govern us? Where are we in Cuba??

Geniusofdespair said...

I didn't jump to a conclusion. The person who took the picture said they saw the sign taken down and put in the basket.

Anonymous said...

You can't even see if they are taking the sign in this picture. Bileca is also not a career politician, as he's served one term and runs his own company. Don't be ignorant.

"Doc" Solomon is misleading the public under the guise that he is independent when, as stated by the department of elections, he is a democrat. You wouldn't see that on his street signs though.

Del, Bileca Campaign Field Director said...

I am the Bileca Campaign Field Director. My two team members that are in the picture alerted me that they were being followed and had a picture of them taken. I am in the field every day and that sign in the picture is still in the same location. We pride ourselves in running an honest campaign with integrity. I have the upmost confidence in our volunteers. This picture is misrepresenting the facts. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame some candidates have to stoop this low to get an edge. As a republican, I'm supporting Jeff "Doc" Solomon for State Rep #115 to fix the problems of Florida and bring a fresh new representation to politics.

Geniusofdespair said...

Solomon is listed on the ballot as a DEMOCRAT you turkey. I think the people writing here have a few screws lose.

Geniusofdespair said...

I just wrote to the person who took the photo:

They wrote back:

"Yes, they removed it. Then they traveled
Approximately 100 yards and turned around and put it back after they saw they were observed."

Anonymous said...

Who is the guy on the bike trying to kid? He is looking at the PEREZ sign and it appears to be higher, as if lifted out of the ground.

Anonymous said...

I hope the state attorney is reading this thread. Oops. I forgot.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bileca that is really dirty!
I am a school teacher and I am appalled with how you voted for an increase of tuition at FIU, the parent trigger bill and now this. Pathetic...
No one should consider or even vote for you!

Anonymous said...

The picture shows a guy looking at a sign. So what. Where are the juicy pictures of him actually taking the sign and running away with it or all the other drama? I suppose the camera conveniently ran out of battery or something.

Geniusofdespair said...

you who i dumped:

You can't write what you did about the can think it, can't write it.

Anonymous said...

That's a great point. If the person that took the photo was following them, why not send the picture of these kids placing the sign in the basket or actually holding it? Could it be because it never happened? I would challenge geniusofdespair to remove this article of he has any journalistic integrity.

Does Gino need to debate in Spanish because he'll get killed in an English debate? Or will he be exposed for the democrat he truly is.

If you disagree with Bileca's philosophy or ideals, that's one thing but to fabricate a story to slander his name is just childish.

Anonymous said...

1. Neither of the two are touching any sign.
2. They're on bikes: What were they to do? Ride a bike holding a sign?
3. Bileca is NOT a carreer politician, he is a CPA and the majority share-holder of a private business.
4. Why do candidates drive around taking pictures of opponents?
5. Why is Bileca's ethnicity in question?
6. Why would a candidate have to speak Spanish to be elected to public office in the United States?

Anonymous said...

It is against the law to take down political signs.

Anonymous said...

While the quality of the photo is not great, looks to me like the sign is in the air and in the guys hand. Hard to deny from my point of view.

Maria Espinosa said...

Why are Bileca's men even touching the sign if they r just placing in Bileca's sign? hmmm....

Poor campaign advice I guess.

Anonymous said...

Folks it's getting dirty in 112 also. Just got a mailer depicting Alex Diaz de La portilla as a wife beater and actually has quotes from his ex wife she gave to the police about him. Can't believe Barreiro would go there with this type of mailer. It was sent out by some conservative group in Melbourne. Next 2 weeks gonna get nastier I Think.

Anonymous said...

This article is ridiculous where is the picture of the guys taking the signs??? Nowhere because they didn't take any signs!!! Quit making up false stories where they don't exist. We need honest politicians like Bileca in government. Last time I checked I lived in the US where people in government need to speak english to represent us in Tallahassee. Ps. I am cuban and support Bileca. This is the US a melting pot, have a little respect for people of other ethnicities other than hispanics!!!!

Anonymous said...

1. Solomon is a proud Democrat

2. Who the hell are you to say that in the United States Of America you have to speak Spanish to be elected to office?? Enough is enough this is still America and our first language is still English!

Anonymous said...

This blog is very funny and all of you fighting to post your opinion even funnier. Why would Republicans even care about this blog when it is written by Democrat lesbians who report on convenience? The power of this blog is low and not of Republican interest. Sorry, but you are not unbiased reporters. Stop wasting your time here and go campaign.

Bileca if you do win you should learn to return phone calls and stop removing yourself from direct access.

Solomon you are a Drmocrat and cannot win in this district.

Geno Perez you are in luck. David Rivera may be going to jail and that means Bileca will not have his support as he did on the last election. Well, he bought the support. Stop being on this blog and go campaign.

To the rest of you. Campaigns are won by meeting voters. Not by blogging on this type of blog.

Geniusofdespair said...

Lesbians? Yep Alan with kids and a wife is most definitely a lesbian. Me, I should be so lucky.

This isn't unbiased. It is a fucking blog. Blogs have opinions like an editorial page in a newspaper.

Geniusofdespair said...

Your advice to get off the blog and go walk is good advice. Most candidates are lazy. The ones with no money have to walk and not act like idiots when they are at the door to win.

Anonymous said...

Just wait until Bileca's Tea Party buddies find out how much money his dental clinics are making from Medicaid. Why else would anyone spend $200,000 or more of their own money for a job that pays $35,000 a year?

Bambi said...

Wow! You really hit a nerve with this one but I'm a little confused.

Is there a map of the new district where Bileca is running?

My former district was represented by him.

My new voter registration says I live in 112:

Also, would it be possible to time stamp anonymous posters?

Anonymous said...

Why do the few Bileca people in here keep thinking that Geno Perez needs to speak spanish. I don't think he does, but who cares! Why should Geno need to speak spanish when he served our country as a Marine?

Anonymous said...

Who are the authors of this blog? I got juicy news to report. Contact information?

Geniusofdespair said...
or contact Alan Farago

Anonymous said...

The problem starts that once you have photos of people taking down signs of other candidates and you take the photos and sometimes even witnesses, no one does anything.Including the police and the office of ethics.
I am very aware that photos were given to the miami-dade county office of ethics with signs being taken down by opponents who were clearly identifiable in the campaign of Denis Rod for City of Miami Commission and NOTHING was done. No fine, no reprimand, NOTHING.

Anonymous said...

the illegal campaign signs abound in south dade. That MCGhee person must have spent zillions on 3 x 6 signs that are illegally strapped to fences right next to the wallace signs.

If a judge and a state candidate can not follow the law before the election what the heck are they gonna do after it? Shame on both of them. I will not vote for anyone who posts signs illegally.

I miss team metros enforcement.

Anonymous said...

I read every damn one of these comments, but the Bosnians on Bicycles comment beat them all. No offense, Bosnians reading this blog, I have friends from those parts...I just liked the alliteration is all.

Bosnian Bicycle Brigade ?