Thursday, May 03, 2012

Thomas A. Edison's Film of Key West 1898 - 1900. By Geniusofdespair

The video on YouTube.

The earliest known films ever shot in Key West, FL. Shot by Thomas Edison, 1898-1900.

Watch all the clips...these are great, I especially liked 3 and 5!!

1. Burial of the "Maine" seamen who were killed in Havana Harbor. Procession to the Key West Cemetery.

2. The NY Journal dispatch "Buccaneer" in the Key West Harbor. The dispatch boats were used to bring news from Havana to War Correspondents in Key West.

3. War Correspondents running down Duval St. to relay information about the Spanish American War.

4. U.S. Battleship Indiana pulls into the harbor of Key West.

5. Thomas Edison records rough seas between Key West and Havana while on a steamship.


Anonymous said...

This film is unbelievable. The ship footage is the best.

Anonymous said...

Genius: Thank You for sharing this historical and well documented piece of the State of Florida with us. I enjoyed viewing and sharing with others. This is indeed unbelievable. Again, Thank you!