Monday, May 14, 2012

Is Palmetto Bay Taking the Flake Title from Homestead? by Geniusofdespair

It should come as no surprise that I am disappointed at the power struggle going on in Palmetto Bay. There are mean-spirited people living in Palmetto Bay trashing out the government. They are making Homestead look good lately...and that is not easy.

Names that have surfaced: Fiore, England, David, DuBois (there are others). Gossipy men, pretty embarrassing. Just stop already. Palmetto Bay is becoming a shitty place to live, I wince at the mention of Palmetto Bay these days. Do you really want to model yourselves after Homestead Palmetto Bay? Put your candidates up guys, and hope you win. That would be the manly thing to do at this point instead of all these mean-spirited unending swipes. In a Village (Palmetto Bay is about 25,000) this kind of behavior doesn't work. This is your home and your neighbors you are swiping at. Make it a pleasant place to live not a battle zone.

If that friggin' Palmer Trinity school had any guts it would stop the stream of vitriol going on in its defense. I hate Palmer Trinity School for what it has done in this community.

If you are going to trash each other, you can't do it in comments on this post, so don't try. I am not trying to fuel a fire, I am trying to extinguish it by pointing to the elephant in the room. If you have suggestions on how to extinguish the fire, by all means comment. Remember: Even I know enough not to shit in my own backyard. You have to be at peace somewhere, and it should be at home in your own hood.


Anonymous said...

The gossip brigade is not just men. It is a nightmare here. Thanks for recognizing that it is happening but I have no solutions sorry. I wont vote for John DuBois I hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

Let us not forget Miss Lynda. She's a Homestead product. Her Highness' plush office is in PB. 'Nuff said, y'all.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to say you left out Eugene Flinn. Was that on purpose?

Bellwatcher said...

Bell put DuBois on a county board and she held her victory party at his house (she did have a more intimate party at her house later. That is the one Commissioner Seijas attended, you got that one wrong God).

Voting for DuBois is a vote for Bell.

Anonymous said...

Palmer Trinity is a disgrace to PB. It has sullied our piece of heaven.

Anonymous said...

The minute Trailer Trash Bell brought her Hudstead brigade to Palmetto Bay, what would you expect? Her fingerprints are all over the politics there now. It's a huge barf fest, on top of the many we have all around this County.

Bell's pattern is so clear, just like what she's trying to do at the commission level with Pena.

Flinn ran a pretty clean Village and slate, not perfect, but fiscally responsible; without these side shows.

I'd be very interested to start connecting the dots & $ with these goofy men & Bell. I have my suspicions as to how Bell purchased the Redland Hotel, below market value and rec'd a mortgage out of nowhere - which I'm still researching.

I think anything with Trailer Trash Bell deserves a permanent barf meter tag, along with "I need an escort" Rivera!

Anonymous said...

The gossips include past mayor Eugene Flinn and James Thomas. The May 7 Council Meeting had a moratorium item that resulted in emails, blogs and public announcements telling their very slanted side of it. At the mic Flinn called it "illegal" when he authored the moratoium process they followed. Flinn called the Council "clowns", the meeting a "circus" and the audience a "mob rule" and in his blog predicted that a "recession" would be the result. James Thomas, England's twin at the EDC and Palmetto Bay Business Association told a room full of PBBA attendees that the moratorium would "impact everyone in the room" (not true,commercially zoned property was excluded).
Flinn created the Palmer issue with his ability to stymie the process denying the zoning,etc. til after his failed election. He tried to portray himself as a resident supporter but is now out of the closet on the side of Palmer.
While this gossip travels in certain circles, the real residents who live in Palmetto Bay are not the political addicts who read blogs. From what I hear, most are very happy with their Village.

Anonymous said...

This upset in Palmetto Bay does not surprise anyone in Homestead. Missy Linda is a divisive and vindictive person. The money people have found a politician who needs money and has never taken Civics 101. She failed in Homestead and so far is failing at the county. Watch out Palmetto Bay Mayor-I have a feeling that gang of Is after you. I feel sorry for the citizens in Palmetto Bay and District 8. Glad I no longer live in that area not even in that county.

Geniusofdespair said...

You now mentioned the names of most of the players...enough. Where do we go from here to stop the back biting and the infantile behavior?

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you are not blogging about the City of South Miami- Mayor Stoddard, Valerie Newman Hurley, Bicycle BoB, City Manager Mirabile, City Police Chief De Castro, City Human Resources, Murray Park Pool project, YMCA of Greater Miami - South Miami Park expansion of an empty basin??
Seem to be mute on this City, G O D?

Anonymous said...

You are right, stoop the back biting already. If you burn it down you can't really rebuild it and Flinn and the rest will never hold office again. At least those are the promises many residents have made. This is a great little town. Be glad to live here. If you are one of the gossips etc. then you must expect something in return for your position, support or whatever else you are putting in. Probably not ethical or good for the town. Movesomewhere else where they don't care about where they live.

Geniusofdespair said...

The Straw Buyer is covering South Miami. I can't do everything.

Anonymous said...

The students of Palmer Trinity will be the movers and shakers who will run your world in a few years. I am proud to have this incubater producing quality citizens in the area.
Hope they're not as nasty as their forefathers in PB!

Anonymous said...

The majority of the students attending Palmer Trinity are not Palmetto Bay residents. I don't have a dog in this fight per se, and I do wish the students the best. My best hope for the future of this County lies within the students Gulliver Prep though! (please, this is a joke)

I truly hope PB can get it's act together without all this outside noise. Bell has brought nothing but trouble there, and she's now entrenched within their local politics. She almost destoryed what was left of Homestead doing what she's doing now, but in a much different capacity. It's actually frightening how much power these local pol's have given someone so clueless but ruthless.

May better times be ahead for PB because right now, as long as it keeps heading down the current rabbit hole, you're cooked!

My best advise - anyone Lynda Bell is backing, vote for the other candidate, if not, it will be your own demise and milage increase!

Anonymous said...

Bell was a mover and shaker in Homestead back in the day. At Council meetings, she moved her bowels and shook her ass toward anyone who had the audacity to disagree.

Anonymous said...

I am so disappointed with Palmetto Bay, I could just cry. As a woman I am offended at how women in our government are being treated.

Anonymous said...

I agree about the bad treatment of the women. Look around the cast of characters. Just couple of angry women to the numbers of men. They should be ashamed. The men - well we know who they are and they will never change. Cavemen all!

The J O Y is gone said...

The politicians in palmetto bay are afraid of Lynda. They know that she is a snake and will retaliate for any perceived disloyalty.

The crowd that includes Peter, James, Dubois all do not like women. I have never seen any of them do anything other than treat women like "the little woman" . I find them condescending and holier than thou towards ladies.

I am not active in village politics; I find that what I see is exactly why I was anti-incorporation.

I am truly disappointed in the pissing contest between the Palmer Trinity folks and the community.

They run ram-shod over the community and then sends out invites and "tickets" to their events to the neighbors. That is a bribe. (If you are part of the party, you will not complain about noise and traffic caused by it). Of course, the gossipy guys are there, because they want the money for their elections.

When you look at influences in the village, you will see that outside influences are directing the flow of the quality of life down the tubes; whether it be outside political influences, church members or school attendees. Palmetto Bay and in fact, any community, should be able to live without outside influences from people who are not taxpayers negatively impacting the day-to-day lives of those who live there. That is why we incorporate and that is why some folks get cranky.

Anonymous said...

Hard to disagree with almost anyone tonight. Everyone has named the names of those who are so destructive to the peace and quiet of Palmetto Bay. So why are they being allowed to continue the b-llsh-t? England, Thomas, Flinn, Neidhardt, Ludovici continue the party at Palmetto Bay Business Assoc. and EDC as if they are leaders rather than destroyers. So exactly when did "good government" become part of the EDC and Palmetto Business Assoc. By-Laws? Only after Thomas and England took over. Does that mean the growing fund collected from the lunches will go into an election pot (or is that PAC) and that EDC will become a front for a PAC endorsing candidates? Economic Development and Business Networking should have little to do with the politics of municpal condemnation but here we are. Exactly when will they all get run out of town and who is going to stand up to them and do it?

Anonymous said...

While I am also in agreement with most of the above comments one person who might be considered the agitator is Grant Miller. His goal is to control the government for his agenda: lights in the parks, boys in Palmetto Bay Park and Palmer. His constant harassment of Stanczyk over the years is so transparent. She won't cave to him and he knows it. He has gone so far as to steal the name of a well respected local person who has informed his community of important events and lost pets for many years under the email address of PalmettoBayWatch. He even created an email address from it. PalmettoBayWatch is now his Blog on the front of the PB News. Thank heaven we no longer have to read his junk on the Palmetto Bay Page of the Herald. They got smart.

Anonymous said...

Don't leave former council member Edward Feller out of the list. He has also written articles in the Palmetto Bay News challenging decisions of Shelley Stanczyk and the council. He has also spoken out at council meetings against many of the things that Shelley, Joan and Bev want to do in terms of changing the charter.

Anonymous said...

Why the attack on civic organizations like the Palmetto Bay Business Association and Economic Development Council? These two groups are the only organizations working to bring businesses to south dade. The EDC has the participation and approval of Pinecrest Mayor Cindy Lerner and Cutler Bay Mayor Ed MacDougall. Only the current Mayor of Palmetto Bay refuses to participate in the EDC, though she does list herself as being on the EDC's board of directors. Maybe we should all be attacking Shelley Stanczyk for being a member of the EDC club.

But I get it, Shelley and her cronies are mad at both organizations because they do not control them. And every former councilmember needs to go away, as this current council knows so much better. This is all so silly. Shelley is a high school bully trying to control everyone. She is out there wispering bad things anonomously. This is all too much like high school where the self abosorbed alpha girls are telling their cool crowd who they can and cannot talk to, at least if they want to retain membership in the Shelley club.

Everyone needs to grow up.

Geniusofdespair said...

Personal attacks are coming in...sorry. Getting too personal - deleted

Anonymous said...

Palmetto Bay gives incorporation a very bad name. Thanks, Greers.