The Christian Family Coalition is hosting a breakfast to welcome back these legislators, pictured above, from Tallahassee. If this group acknowledges the CFC, I am suspicious of the lot of them. The CFC is aggressively anti-gay. Anthony Verdugo the leader of CFC constantly denigrates gay people. Miami New Times reported:
Verdugo has a history of being a slime-sucking double-talker: He said after Carlos Gimenez was elected Miami-Dade mayor that "the vast majority of Miami-Dade residents were "rightly alarmed by his disconcerting links to a couple of fringe hate groups operating locally." He was talking about gay rights organizations that supported Gimenez in the election.Verdugo calls homosexuality, "biologically aberrant sexual behavior." If I were a politician I would boycott this group, like Carlos Gimenez and Katy Sorenson have done in the past. There is no room for this kind of rhetoric in our community. Save Dade is not a 'fringe hate group'. Are you listening Michael Pizzi?
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Miami Lakes Mayor Michael Pizzi, Anothony Verdugo and Miami Lakes Councilwoman Collins. |
Yep - and that Daphne Campbell is the biggest phony this side of Linda Campbell...she tortures old people in ALF's and turns around to God the very next minute! She and her family are bad bad bad news!
Mayor Pizzi is a true believer with deep ties to the CFC. When he finally runs for higher office as a voice of the Republican party you will learn he is a man of principle and courage. He does listen to the word, and we are proud he is one of us.
I am surprised to see Pizzi with this guy Verdugo. I am more surprised to see Oscar Braynon. I thought he was smarter.
Please don't suggest that a man putting his blank in another man's blank is somehow natural or normal.
One person loving another is very normal. I don't want to know what anyone is doing with their sex life, especially politicians. "He who is without sin may cast the first stone."
Anonymous above last anonymous: what business is of yours what two consenting adults do? Maybe we should legislate against oral sex. Isn't that wasting seed?
Okay, wacky Christians...go elsewhere to vent.
Oh, my goodness. Sounds like a Lynda Bell rally.
Pizzi's got feet of clay, and not just on this issue. Glad to see you're not afraid to take one of your allies, Genius. Hope he gets the message.
ALL known religions are a crock, Verdugo is making $$$ like any good bible thumping christian should and for that I applaud him.
Politicians do what politicians have done throughout existence, pander to their (majority) constituents, how else can they be successful politicians.
If they live in a liberal gay district they pander to gays if they live in a district with lots of bibles they pander to bible thumpers.
I am not a Christian, I am a Jew. As a psychology student in the 1970's we were instructed that homosexuality was deviant behavior. It was listed in Abnormal Psycholgy books. (I still have several books). Physically it is a deviation from the human anatomy. Psychologically, it is a cuse for much anguish. It is only in the last 35 years that pop culture has penetrated deeply into historical traditions, that homosexuality has been positioned as normalcy and those who point to its deviance as "haters".
Don't expect Mayor Pizzi to abandon the CFC simply because you disagree with our platforms. He is an active and strong supporter of our issues, and not the type of person to abandon a cause because someone has challenged him. We need more politicians with the character and integrity of Mayor Pizzi.
Well apparently we also have a wacky Jewish reader with some strange books. I too studied psychology and that wasn't in my books.
If you go back to our past there was slavery, women couldn't vote, schools were segregated and people beat their children. Interracial marriage was also unlawful. You can live in the past, I prefer to learn from past mistakes and do it right now. Who you love should not dictated by Lunatics. As for Pizzi, he can do as he wishes but people can judge him as they wish.
Pizzi is a political hack.
A 40 year old psychology book is all about notions that haven't held true. Freud was still in vogue.
I did not just "study psychology", I am a practicing psychologist in Briward County and I see on a daily basis the grief and suffering brought about by following the promiscuity inherent in a homosexual lifestyle.
You break the rules of your blog by resorting to insult when a reader does not agree with you. I realize too late that this blog is only open to single-minded people who think alike and there is no rooom in it for discussion or expression of opinions that differ from yours. I will not bother you again. I will read more progressive blogs where keeping an open mind is accepted.
I will be sure to avoid Broward psychologists.
Where in the rules does it say that the blogger can't call the commenter names?
I too was a psychologist and I realized that there were people who did not know what they were doing or saying and they could easily be a psychologist. I also tought for awhile and found that there were people who could not learn. As the above psychologist.I am 85 now and have been around long enough to have run into every kind of dummy.
Straight Ex-Catholic said.....
Even if everything the anti-gay folks say is true (with the exception of the idea that a person can “catch” homosexuality by being in the company of homosexuals, which is just too ridiculous to contemplate), it still wouldn’t explain why the hell they care what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. I’ve always believed that the basis for most, if not all, anti-gay sentiment is an attraction / aversion. It’s because they are so uncomfortable with their own attraction to the same sex that they react by professing a strong aversion to homosexuals. How else can one explain the likes of Mark Foley, Larry Craig, and so many others like them?
Based on the attraction /aversion theory posited by the Anon above, it is possible to imagine the genuine warmth shining forth from photo of Pizzi, Verdugo and Collins as a happy couple posing with their accepting great-aunt. Imagine.
that is pretty biased, nobody enlightened uses that term.
Women dress sluttish, some gays are flamboyantly dressed. What the hell is the difference and how does that hurt you. God forbid we all blend in.
didn't say it hurt me ...I said 'bothers' me, and in conversations with other heteros, the feeling is pretty much the same. We aren't against gay rights, gay couples, even gay marriages. BUT, the flamboyancy, the wanting to be more female than a female, the rediculous gay parades - where they all dress down and are half naked, or dressed as women is very a big turn-off to the straight community. BTW, women who dress slutty is to attract men (not women).
last sentence...what kind of point is that???
I have never read so much nonsense on a post's comments. Some of you are clueless that you are making homophobic statements. I am shocked at some of the incredibly stupid stuff posted here and I am embarrassed. If you are gay -- I am sorry for some of the comments . I wish I could say they know not what they do. But we all know that they know.
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