US Senator Marco Rubio is hiding from global warming and sea level rise. The Drudge Retort noted on March 14, 2012, a recent analysis that Florida is the most vulnerable state in the nation relative to sea level rise. By far. More than 40 percent of economic impacts to the nation from climate change would occur in the state that Mr. Rubio represents as US Senator. Yet Rubio will not meet with climate change scientists. Drudge might inquire (
does he still live on Miami Beach, because more frequent flooding on Alton Road must attract his attention... ), why won't Marco Rubio meet with climate change scientists? Miami-Dade climate change deacon Dr. Harold Wanless presented Senator Rubio with a letter along this line last year. But Rubio, who promised to respond, never did.
Stop hiding, Marco Rubio. You could be a vice presidential candidate, and your inclination to ignore scientists is alarming.
Marco Rubio is plain mean.
I guess we should just assume the headline is a rhetorical question in a year of election rhetoric.
I heard a rumor that Florida was completely submerged under water for most of the earth's history. Some stupid scientist told me that. I know it sounds crazy because that was before there were corporations and automobiles.
But if it were true, wouldn't that be shocking?
I cannot understand why anyone expects anything good or intelligent from Rubio. He is completely worthless.
Maybe the US Chamber of Commerce can bring Marco Rubio out of hiding.
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