Saturday, February 11, 2012

Santorum wows the crowd ... by gimleteye


Anonymous said...

I don't think he could speak to a more disrespectful group.

Anonymous said...

..could this be a Photoshopped pic? An going to research it on Snopes.

Ted said...

Last anon, the use of the term "anglos" is offensive.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know the word "anglos" is offensive. Offensive to whom? Is there any word we can use at any time, anywhere that does not offend somebody? Can sombody please provide a list of offensive words just to make sure we never offend anybody...please?

Everybody is a victim.

This nit-picking, political correctness is so rediculous as to make us afraid to talk in fear that we may offened somebody.

Why should I care what anybody calls me? You know the saying, "Sticks and stones...etc...etc."

Get a life!

Ross Hancock said...

The Saxons get righteously PO'd when they get called "Anglo." We may all look alike but there are millenia of grievances.

Don't get me started about the Jutes.

Anonymous said...

Pandering to people of color. Low life.

Anonymous said...

I work with people like those in the choir so I am not surprised at their rude behavior. Thanks for sharing this. It speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

Rick is nicely in touch with reality - love that smile!
It's so refreshing to see someone who understands that the Obama administration is lying about man-made Global Warming, and who realizes that women shouldn't fight in wars or have contraception. Anyway he spins it (see today's meet the press), he's still painting a useful picture of the GOP.

To paraphrase Bill Mahr, Santorum would make a great US president - in the 13th Century.

People - seriously? The media is just playing a Don King promoter role, it's what they get paid to do. There's no fight - Obama IS center right. GOP's "differentiation" strategy is just too far right for the majority of America to swallow.

Just watch the blow-out that will happen in November. Beaten by Obama at it's own game, the GOP is drowning itself in it's own bullshit. Crack open a recent poly sci text and you can see that US Dems are center-right on the spectrum of world politics. Anyone who believes that the GOP has any traction with their drumbeat of redonculousness has their head in the sand.

This ain't Kansas anymore Dorothy, time to wake up.

Anonymous said...

This is surely a Photoshopped image. Funny though.

Anonymous said...

Not photoshopped. It was taken by photographer Stephen Crowley of the The New York Times.

I don't know who comes off looking worse though ... boring Santorum or the rude black choir members.

Anonymous said...

They are mostly kids in the choir doing what kids do best: acting bored...