Saturday, January 28, 2012

Latin Builders Association and HBO Contractor endorse Santorum ... by gimleteye

It is interesting how much coverage the media gave of the love fest the Latin Builders Association threw for the Republican candidates for president. I'm sure if Sierra Club invited the candidates (and they agreed to appear) there would have been only a footnote in the newspaper. As it is, the Miami Herald did give a footnote (and not a story so far as I could tell) that the LBA board endorsed Rick Santorum. I can't think of any better endorsement for Santorum, assuring he will never be elected, than if Tony Soprano endorsed Santorum himself. (This clip needs subtitles in Spanish.)


Grillo said...

There are no words that can ever come close to describing this endorsement. An environmentalist friend of mine says that it has got to be the flouride in the water that is causing the collective bizarre behavior.

Geniusofdespair said...

At the LBA meeting Newt said he wanted to do away with the EPA because it is a job buster. I bet the applause was deafening. Never mind that all their children and grand children will have health problems from pollution because of lack of regulation.

Anonymous said...

I think it is the mercury not flouride.

Ross Hancock said...

One time when Steve Shiver was running for mayor of Homestead, the Latin Builders Assn, which was very unpopular among the city's voters, decided to help him by endorsing his opponent. Shiver thought that was so darn clever, he told everybody. He won that election, though.

Anonymous said...

Whatever...these people are dead wrong. Look at the level of supporters they are getting. Even Sarah Palin had to get into the act.

Sarah, classifying herself as some sort of political guru who just arrived on the scene and getting angry at those of us who do not support her and her husband's person, Gingrich? This woman was not even around when he was in congress doing all sorts of ugly stuff that embarassed us and got him kicked out by 88% of Republicans!

Talk about selective memory!

I am a Republican but have to ask. Do the voters actully take political advice from the likes of the LBA, Tony Soprana and Sarah Palin?