Saturday, January 07, 2012

The Everglades Coalition Conference. By Geniusofdespair

My Painting from My Photo taken in Everglades
The past two days I have been at the Everglades Coalition Conference sponsored by 54 environmental groups. All the environmentists show up for this yearly event (this is the 27th year). Some are legends such as Nat Reed, and then there are fringe environmentalists, like me of course. Even our environmentally challenged Governor Rick Scott paid homage to the groups with an appearance on Thursday. Jeb never bothered to come as far as I can remember. But Jeb's popularity never tanked like Rick's. Scott needs to suck up.

Carl Hiaasen speaks Friday. Saturday Senator Bill Nelson is expected at lunch. I am at lunch now and about 210 people are here.


Ross Hancock said...

Jeb went in 1999. He spent almost 10 times more annually than Scott has been on Glades restoration.

Gimleteye said...

While this comment is true and Jeb! did spend more money on the Everglades, it came at a severe price. Jeb was determined to have things HIS way, never mind the science or the law. That's the point of the 2008 decision in federal court that found the Bush changes to the Everglades Forever Act to be illegal. We are still waiting for the Florida legislature to make things right.

Anonymous said...

God, Is a transcript available? I appreciate the time and effort you've taken to attend this important conference.

Anonymous said...

Nelson will discuss the snakes, as is his custom.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I love your painting.

Greg Anderson said...

Jeb was there in both '98 and '99. I have photos. I'm almost sure Hiassen's first appearance was in '92. Most were surprised to learn his fee was $10,000.(A lot of money back then!) He's an expensive environmentalist!

Ross Hancock said...

Jeb wasn't governor yet during the 98 conference.

Geniusofdespair said...

I confirmed that Hiaasen did not charge for his Friday appearance.

Sparrow said...

Hiaasen had some great quotes. He compared the beginning of the fla legislative session to "opening an old refrigerator and watching the cockroaches come out." He described at length how our state lawmakers ("the sorriest collection of humanity")are "so easily bought, and cheap... at least other places like Chicago, Boston where there is serious corruption, big favors cost a lot of money" but here lobbyists are able to get favors "for a case of Michelob."

Sparrow said...

BTW Jeb Bush was elected in '98, started as gov in '99, I definitely remember him at the '99 coalition conference, he even met privately with the co-chairs.

Anonymous said...

Disappointed to see the professional enviro groups lauding Scott. Let's see him restore funding to Florida Forever, bring back DCA, restore water management district funds so they can rehire scientists and stop plans to blast Biscayne bay and destroy coastal waters for deep dredging and industrialization of our state. Then he can earn accolades and a standing ovation. Apparently Legislators aren't the only ones in this state who can be bought off cheaply.