Thursday, November 24, 2011

To Have Someone Pick Up Your Absentee Ballot, You Need to Fill Out an Affidavit. By Geniusofdespair

I asked Elections how many affidavits were submitted for absentee ballots in the Hialeah runoff elections. It is the only way someone can legally pick up your ballot. Out of 14,271 absentee ballots cast in the Mayoral run-off election, the Dept. of Elections said they had only 3 affidavits submitted. I will bet that 1 in 5 ballots were picked up in that city but no one is talking.


Honesty is needed said...

We know that the crooked Hialeah firefighters were collocting absentee ballots. So where are their affidavits?

Anonymous said...

How about the crooked city employees and council members who have exclusive control of Hialeah's public housing units? It used to be 3500 guaranteed absentee votes in Hialeah through the machine. Now it seems to be between 5000-7500.

YOU KNOW they were picking up absentee ballots for Mayor Carlos Hernandez and
the entire slate--
Councilwoman Isis Garcia-Martinez,
newly elected Councilwoman Lourdes Lozano,
Councilman Pablito Hernandez,
Councilman Jose Caragol and
"independent candidate:" Councilwoman Vivian Casals-Munoz.

Every one of them benefitted from ex-Mayor Julio Robaina's fund raising machine and absentee ballot machine headed up by Sasha Tirador. There is no denying it. Guess Julio Robaina's political LIFE isn't over yet.

Anonymous said...

The interesting part about absentee ballot requests is that they can also be made by email, if the voter has an email address. So there is another way to get a ballot to VOTE BY MAIL.