Saturday, November 12, 2011

Miami Herald Reports EOM's Judith Thompson Story Within Hialeah Early Voting Article. By Geniusofdespair

From the Miami Herald, related to Hialeah Absentee Voting:
Last year, Judith Thompson’s vote was stolen.
Records showed she had voted by mail. Except Thompson never received her absentee ballot.
“Someone else had voted in my name,” Thompson told a committee of Miami-Dade County commissioners last week. “I later spoke with an investigator from the State Attorney’s office, but no one has ever been charged with stealing my vote.”
 One of the reasons: In Miami-Dade, there is no penalty for violating the county ordinance regulating absentee ballots.
That could be about to change. A measure imposing a $1,000 fine or 60 days in jail for breaking the absentee-ballot law cleared the county committee recently with unanimous support.
But any revisions to the law will take place after Tuesday, when Hialeah voters go to the polls in a high-profile mayoral runoff. Current mayor Carlos Hernandez faces former Mayor Raul Martinez on Tuesday.
In that fiery race, no topic has been hotter than absentee voting.
Read the article, it is good...
Watch these two videos.  Video one (catches the flavor of Hialeah voting):  Controversy at Hialeah bus opening. Mayor Hernandez brings bus goers to IHOP and the City Council chair, Isis Garcia-Martinez - a vile woman to be sure, in the mold of Natacha Seijas - is aboard being obnoxious, shouting at a blogger "You are not the press" and "Get out of my way." She is a shrill woman, watch it. You can see each bus rider is given a gift bag as they get off bus. Gift bag and breakfast, not bad for people who are ignored the rest of the year. Here is video one...

Video two (funny worth watching, woman throws plastic water bottle, it is in Spanish):Absentee Ballot Issues - Former Chief of Police follows a campaign worker known for collecting ballots.

The Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald (Enrique Flor) are doing a good job on this election.  These videos give you a good flavor of what is going on in Hialeah.


CATO said...

Perfect example of mis reporting

"but no one has ever been charged with stealing my vote.”
One of the reasons: In Miami-Dade, there is no penalty for violating the county ordinance regulating absentee ballots."

NO the NEW penalty is for handling a ballot other than your own in the above referenced case it appears that a lot more than that took place, just off the top of my head
1-Mail Fraud (Federal Offense)
2- Forgery (State)
3-Vote Fraud (State)

There were plenty of crimes to prosecute on, just no will to.

Geniusofdespair said...

It wasn't necessarily mail fraud. Someone within the home might have taken it. It was delivered...just not to the individuals. Forgery: By who? There is no way to figure out who signed it.

Anonymous said...

Did the police interrogate the person who handles the mail at the retirement home? What about the person who recommended that Ms. Thompson get an absentee ballot? Did they check for fingerprints on the envelope? DNA on the seal?

There is a lot the police could do to find the guilty culprit. It doesn't appear that anyone cares.

Anonymous said...

This seems to be the crime of buying votes, free meal at IHop, gift bag, why is this allowed?

CATO said...

G.O.D. if she ordered a ballot and never got it because someone removed it from her mailbox without her consent its mail fraud. The only way to find out if that was the case is to investigate.

Geniusofdespair said...

She doesn't have a mailbox. They deliver the mail to a desk. Someone from the facility distributes the mail. Like in your house-- you are lucky if another family member gives you your mail.

Anonymous said...

That video is troubling on multiple levels. First, Hialeah uses the 1/2 penny to run that bus.

They are not allowed to use it to shuttle people on field trips. The buses MUST be put into service for a specific route that runs regularly. Someone should alert Transit, CITT and the Inspector General.

Second, it appears that government property was used for transporting people for a campaign event. That crosses more lines than I can count.

Taxpayers should be enraged over the misuse of their funds even more than the caustic behavior of a councilwoman.