Sunday, November 06, 2011

Miami Dade County Redistricting, Genius Style. By Geniusofdespair

Miami Dade County's Ethnic Makeup of population 2010 Census:
Hispanic 65%
Black 18.9%
White 15.4%

Population Miami Dade County (includes non voters) 2010 is 2,496,435

Registered Voters Makeup:
Hispanic 190,967 Dems, 177,431 NPA, 264,416 Pubs. Total 642,775 52.87%
Black 197,935 Dems, 26,860 NPA, 7,878 Pubs. Total 234,544 19.29%
White 114,387 Dems, 57,523 NPA, 82,258 Pubs. Total 260,196 21.4%

Total Registered voters: 1,215,660

So according to my numbers I think we should have 6 Hispanic County Commissioners, 3 Whites and 3 Blacks. What do you think? 12 is enough for me. This way the Mayor can break a tie vote.

We now have 7 Hispanics, 4 Blacks and 2 Whites. This is totally lopsided, even if you count people who don't vote like felons, illegals and children. We have to give the White population another district no matter how you figure it because they don't have fair representation. Even 3 Whites, 4 Blacks and 7 Hispanics works. Maybe that would be the best compromise. White people rise up and demand County Commissioner parity!! Forgo that wine and cheese for a month and send me the money and I will lead the charge. Fair is fair...I am laughing at myself right now.


David said...

Don't you know affirmative action is a one way street? Our government has been against white people for the last 40 years. Don't expect any changes in their blatant racism.

Anonymous said...

And how about some Anglo Scholarships for our kids? Can you image if we white people got together and did fundraising for White Non-Hispanic Scholarships. Surely people would accuse us of racism, while we have to watch hundreds of graduates walk out our high school doors with massive amounts of money aimed towards just about any student that falls into a demographic that is not white-anglo.

Anonymous said...

They are always using our tax dollars for paella parties. Why doesn't Bell and Heyman sponsor some wine and cheese parties. That is the stereotype of what we eat.

Anonymous said...

No laughing matter you are dead right!

Geniusofdespair said...

I think we should all don wine bottle and cheese wedge costumes at all redistricting meeting. Our rallying cry could be "we want our fair share of/at the table." We would have to decide ahead of time if we want to include flavored martini costumes too. My view is, being continually associated with alcohol hurts our chances of being taken seriously.

Michael Froomkin said...

It is not inevitable -- even here -- that voters always will vote for an ethnic mirror. Thus you should say we need so many "majority districts" of each ethnicity, and look at the composition of the district, not the ethnicity of the elected rep.

(Note also that even this theory depends on somewhat-segregated living patterns. We have those, at least for blacks. At least where I live seems pretty mixed Anglo/Hispanic.

Anonymous said...

In order to have an Anglo white commissioner you need to have one to run for office. The Gables/Key Biscayne/Grove/S.Miami district is arguably "white", yet I can't recall the last time one ran to represent this seat.

Cato II said...

Try your hand at redistricting. The Florida House of Representatives has an online tool with all of the population and voting age population from the 2010 Census. Go to and click on "MyDistrictBuilder."

You can use the "Custom" setting and draw a 13 member plan for Miami-Dade County. See if you can draw a plan that has 3 Black majority seats, 3 Anglo majorities, and 7 Hispanic seats. By the way, there are 13 seats, Genius, not 14. ("Even 3 Whites, 4 Blacks and 7 Hispanics works.") So your breakdown doesn't quite "work".

I think we'd all like to see your plan, and your vision for the County, posted in a future column.

Disappointed in You All said...

Forget the cheese hats,G-D. The tone of the commenters here, David and the first 3 Anonymouses, shows they'd probably prefer cutting their white sheets into pointy hoods and meet standing around a flaming religious symbol.

Geniusofdespair said...

I am also changing the number of commissioners that is part of my plan.. 11 or 14.

Anonymous said...

Did you see the Jack Abramoff? There's a real plan we should work on...

Anonymous said...

the county commission should mirror the school board. 9 members, from districts, is a nice number, works out fine. they have 5 hisp, 2 gringo, 2 black.

some of the districts need fine tuning, such as raquel regalado's (absurdly bifurcated, working class hispanic and very high-end).

but that's what we should be aiming at. and NO county-wide elected officials from either school board or county commission.