Thursday, November 03, 2011

Miami Dade County Charter Review Discussion Today: Murray Greenberg Gets Tough! By Geniusofdespair

Hey County, the quality of this computer streaming-video sucks as you can see, that being said...

Murray Greenberg - First Assistant County Attorney (1980 – 2005 and  Miami-Dade County Attorney 2005 – 2007). He was also a member of the Charter Review Task Force and Greenberg also drafted many provisions of the current County Charter. He spoke his mind about NOON today to the County Commissioners. He is a tough guy and he is RIGHT, listen to him especially at 1:40 on, on the counter! He sets the Commission straight...well he tries to. Thanks Murray! We would have never been able to address the Commission like this.

Link to video
Carlos Gimenez also was a member of the Charter Review Task Force, is a bit more diplomatic in his remarks:

This issue puts the pedal to the metal. Expect Norman Braman to announce recalls on the Commissioners who waiver on key provisions (saw a lot of that already). They had that dunce Miguel DeGrandy speaking, Natacha Seijas's appointment to the Charter Review Task Force.

To his credit, Dennis Moss put Greenberg on the Task Force. Katy Sorenson, I thought, had a weak appointment (absent a few times) on the 2007-2008 Task Force. The discussion will continue this afternoon.


Milz Lizardo said...

What is up with the fricken stream!

Anonymous said...

DeGrandy, uggh.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything he said. The salary portion will be a tough pill to swallow.
The BCC should put all the recommendations directly to the ballot. Stop the posturing BCC you are not that smart. Greenberg and Ginsburg are to smart cookies.

Anonymous said...

Yea Murray. I spoke before the charter upon which he served. He was fantastic. Murray knows what's up. A charter redo is ridiculous. Go forward with the issues they identified, put them on a ballot. Raises are a non-starter until the people take back the county.

Anonymous said...

Murray Grenberg is obnoxious. But he is right in this instance re: "real charter reform."

B said...

I second the last anon. Murray is an egotistical blowhard who milked millions from the county when he was with the county attorney's office. But I agree with him on the charter issues.