Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lobbyists: Stop using your children, instead adopt a lofty goal. By Geniusofdespair

Many lobbyists are frothing at the mouth to give more than the $500 limit that they can give and that their wife can legally give.  Some lobbyists turn to their corporations to give more.  Still other lobbyists give money to campaigns in the name of their children. This is a pet peeve for me.  We, of course, know that most of these kids couldn't give a lick about the election and they are not using the $500 from their birthday party to keep a guy like Joe Martinez in office.

What I don't like is the lesson this gives the lobbyist's kids:  "Skirt the rules" and "let me use you, my child, to do it."  Come on Lobbyists leave your children out of it. Start a new dummy corporation for giving your excessive donations. Don't enlist children to be part of your dumb schemes to get around the $500 donation limit. Instead, why don't you try to teach your children good ethical behavior that doesn't include skirting laws, try to model that good behavior for them (I know that is next to impossible) and if you are lucky, they will turn out to be better than let's!


Anonymous said...

What they are teaching their children is that cheating is okay. Which lobbyists are doing this?

Geniusofdespair said...

They know who they are. Look at about 3 or 4 hundred campaign reports to find out yourself. I don't like to drag kids through the mud.