Friday, November 25, 2011

Erik Fresen's Committee Update. By Geniusofdespair

We all know Erik Fresen is a shill for the gambling industry but why St. Louis??

Why would Erik Fresen have a campaign donation for $2,500 to his Committee, Floridians for a Strong 67, on 10/3/11 by Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. in St. Louis?


Anonymous said...

Somebody who doesn't want to be disclosed is washing someone else's hands so they can touch Fresen with love.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there an Isles of Capri casino in Pompano beach?

Anonymous said...

There are Isle of Capri casinos in a few states. I visited one on a barge in Biloxi, Miss. Maybe Erik wants to float one up the Miami river.

Anonymous said...

This man scares me, and I am a Republican.

First Charter Schools and now gambling? No sir, this man is not who we should have in Tallahassee on this issue and we will have to watch him like a hawk.

Geniusofdespair said...

Yes same Isle of Capri so the locals casinos (racinos) are looking for their own good deal from Fresen....everyone wants the pot of gold...good deal for them bad deal for us.

Anonymous said...

Fresen is disgusting! And to think that he's the county chairman of my party makes me ill.

Rolling the Loaded Dice said...

Isle of Capri has a facility in Pompano- what the local racinos won't say publicly is that they support the destination casino effort. The committee contribution is a good investment.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11/25:

Amen! We have to get him out of the chairmanship. This is the only county where we have an elected official as chairman and it is not working.

We are a grass roots organization and why we have an elected official as chairman is beyond me. I am beyond ill. Every time he steps in it, the first thing they say is that he is the Chairman of the Miami-Dade Republican Party. Why do we have to be associated with every miserable thing he does?

Believe me, we all want him gone. When the vote comes around again, I will be very vocal! And I won't be the only one.

Anonymous said...

I smell a rat!

Anonymous said...

Fresen should have his own Barf meter. Whatever this guy supports, his family has their hands in the pockets - somewhere down the line. In regard to the gambling, I guess we'll find out where those hands are soon enough.