Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday at Best Buy in Aventura. By Geniusofdespair

Couple of thousand people were waiting in line at Best Buy at 11:30 Thankgiving day eve, waiting for Black Friday to begin at midnight.

West side of store.

Here is the back of the store (South side)...the line went around every side of the store. There were no spaces at all in the big parking lot, cars were driving back and forth through the lanes looking for spaces so it was jammed. It was pretty crazy. I saw mostly men in line. Is a cheap plasma TV really that important?


Cirze said...

Not participating I guess in BUY NOTHING ON BLACK FRIDAY.

The news doesn't penetrate Florida's borders?

Anonymous said...

Maybe they thought it was a jobs fair?

Rick said...

And what were YOU doing there?



Geniusofdespair said...

Reporting for eom Rick. If you notice all the blurry photos were taken from inside a moving car. I give money or gift certificates.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this just shows me that people are willing to stand in line for a better price, because money is scarce and budgets for Christmas are tight. You and I won't do it because we are lucky enought to have jobs, but if you lost your job and have children,you would stand in line too.

JOSE said...

"You and I won't do it because we are lucky enought to have jobs, but if you lost your job and have children,you would stand in line too."

Ah yes. America consumerism at its finest.

The modern day Bread Line. Instead of walking out with soup and bread for their starving families on thanksgiving day, they walk out with discounted plasma TV's.

Anonymous said...

unfortunately, this IS the modern time's bread line. No one in the USA will starve (unless they refuse charity help of any kind), but... a TV, or any other kind of item found in a "normal median American household", is a staple and, ultimately a necessity.