Friday, October 07, 2011

Rare Breed: Hot Guy Talking About Rare Miami Coral Found at Soon-to-Be Dredged Port. Geniusofdespair

I would usually classify this as a "yawn" but this marine biologist guy is too good to look at to get bored. I also thought his hairdo was rather unique. I suggest you look at his video below.

Here is what Colin Foord talks about in this video...

According to Colin Foord in the video, the hybrids are not recognized and therefore do not have protected species status -- unlike their parents - the Elkhorn and Staghorn coral, are federally listed as endangered species. He indicates that these hybrid corals have the potential to save coral reefs worldwide and therefore should be safeguarded. In fact, Mr. Foord indicates that Government Cut is a "proving ground" for coral species survival - calling it Miami's own "coral laboratory" or "coral farm." Compared to the Caribbean waters, Mr. Foorth indicates that these hybrid corals found in Government Cut show "fewer diseases" and have been able to withstand more successfully extreme water temperatures that have caused other corals to perish. The concern is that the two years of dredging and blasting proposed for the Miami Harbor Phase III project will cause turbidity levels that will damage or destroy these corals and everything else within and surrounding the shipping channels in Fishermen's Cut.


Anonymous said...

So let me get this right - we have a coral that could be the holy grail of coral, with the potential of revitalizing coral reefs worldwide and we are willing let it be smothered by the dredging and blasting for the Port of Miami? What's up with that? And can anything be done?

Anonymous said...

He doesn't look "hot" to me. He looks quite feminine.

Geniusofdespair said...

Clarification: HOT for a geeky scientist.

Caroline said...

Watch the video...he is definately hot.

The Still on the video makes him look feminine but in the video there is no doubt he is masculine and handsome and smart. Listen to his message.

Anonymous said...

We need to get the world's most eminent coral reef scientists down here pronto. It's shocking the State of Florida and Governor Rick Scott would go ahead with this port expansion project knowing the key to saving the world's corals is right in Biscayne Bay and could be destroyed.

Claire said...

So far, 10 likes, not bad! With that hair, I think he's also a 'sensitive creature'. I love TedTalks, and glad to know more about TEDx, thanks!

Norris said...

In my day, we used to call that "helmet hair." I bet he forgot to look in the mirror before stepping on stage. Embarrassing!

Anonymous said...

Let's stick to the very serious issue of the Port of Miami dredge project which will bring big (bad) changes to Biscayne Bay - the corals are the canary in the coal mine. Pay attention people!

Geniusofdespair said...

WHAT??? You don't care about his hair? You might be too intelligent for this blog.