Friday, October 07, 2011

Florida Republicans have unseemly party leadership. By Geniusofdespair

First it was that twit David Rivera. Now Republicans have installed Erik Fresen as the head of the Miami-Dade Republican party.

Most of us relocated to Florida because we thought it a paradise. We loved the vistas, the fishing, the swimming, the stately palms, the lush foliage, the sumptuous tropical fruits, the flowers in winter, and the pristine beaches. Instead the Miami Dade Republican party heads are zeroed in on gambling as our top priority (that is when they aren't focused on paving over paradise). The Republican brass don't care why voters live here nor do they care to preserve the riches of nature that most of us value. They care about how they can get money in their OWN pockets with gambling. Most of these West Miami politicians are losers (Rubio, Fresen and Rivera had little net worth and 3 of them were/are facing foreclosure, Fresen also having a federal tax lien) with making money for their pockets as their number 1 goal (Rubio - Power is his priority).

I think it unseemly that Erik Fresen--Party leader --is promoting gambling - hailing an opinion yesterday allowing for expanded gambling. He is pushing full scale gambling with a vengeance, like his predecessor David Rivera who got gambling's foot in the door. Neither of these guys have ever even given lip service to preserving the Floridian qualities of paradise -- why we came to live here, why people stay.

The Fresen Model: Let flooding, polluting, unbridled growth, reduce regulation to foul our natural resources and let corporate greed continue to destroy Florida as we know long as we get gambling. Friggin' A-hole.
 More on David Rivera;

 The Miami Herald publishes another report how Congressman David Rivera and how he hid his role as chief lobbyist for a successful ballot referendum in Miami-Dade in 2008 that delivered gambling privileges to the Havenick family and its Magic City Casino; a highly profitable, limited gaming operation that grafted onto its dog racing venue. 


David Rivera's 'friend' Esther Nuhfer is really raking in the dough. The gambling PAC gave her about $120,000 in 2007. The Republicans gave her company $150,000 in 2010, with little accounting according to reporters Scott Hiaasen and Patricia Mazzei, and Rivera also gave Esther's company a bundle from his campaign.


Anonymous said...

As a Republican I take a dim view on Rep. Fresen's stance on gambling. It is not a Republican priority for the party. He should step down.

Anonymous said...

I too am a Republican and he doesn't speak for me. This is nothing more than a money grab with a promise of the type of jobs that will further the disappearance of South Florida's middle class. No wonder Fresen's decisions don't support Miami-Dade County Public Schools. He doesn't see a need for a child to know calculus when they can make a living counting to 21.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that also State Sen. Miguel Diaz de la Portilla in the center of your photo? Disgusting.

Geniusofdespair said...

Doesn't look like Miguel.

Anonymous said...

Not Miguel. It is Alex Havenick.

Anonymous said...

Not just the leadership the whole party seems a bit unseemly, lets face it the leadership is rising from the party.

Rick said...

It's interesting how these folks square gambling with their very moralistic beliefs.

Probably the same way they square executions, torture, and letting the uninsured die with being a Christian.


Anonymous said...

I, too, am a Republican and am not happy with this development. Also, I am unhappy with Mr. Fresen's leadership position as head of the local Republican Party.

Miami-Dade is the only local Republican Party statewide with a sitting elected politician as its Chair. Many of us are unhappy with his position exactly for the reason of the post, among others.

The local Republican Committee should not be forced to be party to Mr. Fresen's legislative actions. Many, if not most Republican rank file do not want gambling in our County.

The local Republican Party is a grass roots organization and should not be forced to suffer Mr. Fresen's legislative decisions.

Clearly, Mr. Fresen should step down immediately.

Anonymous said...

am trying to feel what the Nevada folks said when entertained with the possibility of casinos.
I am 100% FOR IT!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nevada is unemployed at the moment... I have family in Reno and the casinos are in trouble there, las Vegas and in ocean city... Why do we want here?

Anonymous said...

Scott has no way to rescue his bs promise of 700,000 jobs. He will promote casinos because that's the only thing he can hang his hat on.

Anonymous said...

Fresen is the worst of the lot. He's a total shill for the largest bidder. He's gotten money from the Dolphins when he introduced a bill to renovate the stadium courtesy of a new tax; from his sister's charter school company (Somerset/Academica) when he introduced a bill to circumvent local municipalities' jurisdictions; and major $ from Genting, which Fresen refers to as "my retirement." He's disgusting!