Thursday, August 11, 2011

Two Weeks Ago for Me and Yesterday for Barney Bishop. By Geniusofdespair

I went to my broker 2 weeks ago with the goal of unloading all my stocks. Yep, he talked me out of it. I did dump 10% of my holdings in stocks.

Am I enjoying my vacation? Why don't you ask my broker.

On a happy note, Barney Bishop (Rick Scott BFF) has resigned/forced out from Associated Industries of Florida. He is staying on until December and will consult for AIF thereafter. Can you believe he was once the head of the Democratic Party? He should move to Maggie Valley. He and Steve Shiver would get on famously. The $400,000 salaried Bishop may have been targeted for his friggin' big mouth -- for saying the number one goal of the group was the removal of Senator Bill Nelson. Apparently Bill Nelson must have some fans left over at AIF.


Anonymous said...

Does selling the 10 percent make you feel 10 percent better than if you had sold all your stocks two weeks ago?

Geniusofdespair said...

I don't know what 10% feels like.

Mensa said...

You must not sell what all about you are selling, nor should you buy when everybody is buying.

Anonymous said...

Shiver really must have slept with your wife or something. Leave the guys alone already.

Anonymous said...

It would be really interesting to know the inside deal on Bishop being removed. Maybe he was too rabid even for the AIF. Maybe they figure they needed a pit bull to get what they did in the last session of the legislature and mission accomplished. But maybe Barney just went plain off his rocker or something else popped up. Wouldn't it be good to know...

Anonymous said...

The question now is: who were the things they have done to better the state of florida? miami one of the poorest cities and increasing gap increases. A large percentage of unemployed population drowns.