Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Philip Stoddard, South Miami Mayor, and evacuation plans in event of nuclear emergency in Miami-Dade ... by gimleteye

On August 4, Mayor Philip Stoddard met with Miami-Dade emergency officials, to challenge the county assumptions that emergency evacuation planning will protect citizens in the case of a nuclear accident at Turkey Point. It is well worth reading Mayor Stoddard's notes, made available here. Some highlights: "... the artificial boundary of the existing Turkey Point shadow evacuation area produces an unrealistically small estimate of the shadow evacuation population and that actual evacuees would put far more cars on the road than estimated, leading to complete gridlock." Mayor Stoddard asks emergency management officials to: "Correct critical flaw in the shadow evacuation population figures used in the Evacuation Time Estimate (ETE) model and revise evacuation plan accordingly. The simplest way would be to contract with KLD Associates to re-run their existing ETE model with shadow evacuation population figures based on a survey of residents out to 50 miles from Turkey Point." He also notes, "... current Federal evacuation guidelines are only a minimum requirement, and they do nothing to protect residents of his city. As for future changes in NRC guidelines, he noted that Congress is being heavily lobbied by the nuclear power industry to delay implementing recommendations of the NRC Fukushima Taskforce." Mayor Stoddard's approach on this critical public safety issue is an impressive example to candidates and to officials who may be under the mistaken impression that being a leader means following nuclear evacuees out US 1 or I95.


Anonymous said...

We need to elect more scientists to office. That has to be the counterweight to the wild-eyed fundamentalist kooks dominating Congress now.

Reference Newsweeks's cover photo of Bachman. She has the same look in her eye as the homeless guy I saw last week arguing with a parked car.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Mayor Stoddard was brave enough to run for office. Having met him and literally "breaking bread" with him - South Miami should be proud. He's a great guy and doing a great job!

Anonymous said...

If you want to see some real entertainment, watch a South Miami commission meeting. They have a section on the agenda called "public remarks" where this crazy red headed witch gets up and rants and raves. The mental hospitals must be full. I feel sorry for Dr. Stoddard and other members of the commission.

Anonymous said...

While agreeing with the previous posters, I think we need an honest discussion about how our energy needs are met if we take nuclear out of the equation. It will be decades before alternative sources (solar, wind, tidal, etc.) will fill the gap that nuclear currently supplies.

Anonymous said...

How refreshing to see an elected representative standing up to Florida Power and Light. Next time Lew Hayes is invited to the White House, maybe President Obama will ask him the same questions as Mayor Stoddard :)))))

Anonymous said...

same eye's as Gov. Rick Scott's eyes. Maybe they are from the same group of Alien-cross bred people.

Anonymous said...

It will take a combination of energy efficiencies , renewables and natural gas reliance to convert from a dependence on Nuclear. And if we had any real leaders in this state, we would have an Energy Plan that established Florida as the solar pv manufacturing capital of the world. The real question is , at what ultimate cost nuclear? The RTI calculation should be asking realistic costs of building these new reactors, and of removing spent fuel rods, and should include the use of precious water which is in short supply.