Sunday, August 14, 2011

Michele Bachmann: how should we then live? by gimleteye

The radical right believes that if only enough of us pray hard enough to Jesus Christ, that America's sins will be washed away, rainfall will return to Texas and the parched Southwest and Florida, and that a single wage earner-- a husband not wife -- will provide once again for families that are never ripped apart by low cost labor nations or crimes linked to the Renaissance and secular humanism.

Sadly, placard politics of the GOP are so thoroughly vetted through fringe Bible study groups that it is nearly impossible to disentangle views of the party's decline from its overgrown weeds or candidates presumably blazing trails for the rest of the nation. Texas Gov. Rick Perry is the latest entry, but there is Sarah Palin in her ever-present holy carriage (i.e., luxury bus plugged into Walmart parking lots for free electricity), and every other God fearing bearer of the truth including Michele Bachmann. (Palin, who now makes more money than she ever dreamed possible is already a parody of herself; buffed and polished to be a media icon for a nation reflected in the mirror of reality TV. She is the Republican John Edwards without a law degree.)

Thanks to the LA Times, I know now more about Bachmann than I ever imagined. That, for example, she is among the religious right who track our societal ills to the misguided genius of the Italian Renaissance. That's right: the glorification of man by Leonardo Da Vinci and Michaelangelo, homos whose masturbatory fantasies incorporated in religious images planted the seeds of cultural decline in the United States (before it was ever dreamt!) and that the weakness in our national vigor is more to do with obsessive fondling of what is between David's legs than industrial policies. Of course, I've just put a crude face on what is a carefully reasoned position by the radical right and excuse me for that.

This religious nonsense on a grand scale takes us back to the carnival barkers in the 19th Century, dragging around dog-eared Bibles and jars of intestinal worms to be cured with one or another elixir derived from filings from the nails of St. Peter's coffin. Or Paul.

There is no end for GOP plans to cure homosexuality and every other humanistic ill that emerged, as Bachmann believes, from the wrong turn made by Western civilization at the end of the dark Middle Ages. Log Cabin Republicans can be trusted as much as heretics in "True Blood" burned at the stake in the Spanish Inquisition only to return, now, dressed like Young Republicans but possessed by the devil. My unanswered prayer (title of a novel by that homo Truman Capote) is that before too long, Michele Bachmann's husband will reemerge from self-imposed exile and explain to 60 Minutes or Nightly News how he would "cure" Michaelangelo or Leonardo Da Vinci at his intake rehab facility of their gay-ness and secular humanism. Let the world see what we are capable of!

Although this is unlikely to happen within the 2012 election cycle, I still pray for the emergence of a splinter group within the GOP that will throw off the insanity residing within the heart of the party and return to principles of conservativism that don't mirror the wish list of the US Chamber of Commerce or Associated Industries of Florida. Will a GOP candidate emerge for national office who I can praise to high heaven, or, will it rain in Texas first?


Malagodi said...

It will rain in Texas first and even that will not presage a return to sanity.

Grillo said...

As a Catholic who was raised in a Catholic boarding school, I find these people's claim of Christianity incredible. If Jesus were alive today he would probably do to them what He did in the temple.

CATO said...

Her migraines are actually messages sent from Jesus himself who is livining in Uranus, and her husband is gay (not that theirs anything wrong with that). I wonder what kind of "therapy" he's really giving at his gay repression practice. Maybe similar to the Tedford "massage."
BTW as Bachmann's hubby is light on the loafers Reverend right is a rcist hater so religion and blind faith is not only an issue for the wing nuts

Anonymous said...

Dude, why did you out Leonardo Da Vinci and Michaelangelo?

Anonymous said...

The other female right wignut, family value, bible thumper just had another kid give birth. Sara Palin's son (twig or trip or thumper) just had a child out of wedlock. He's following in his sister's footsteps. Her hypocrasy is huge. Is Bachman a saint? As elections progress, I think she will have feet of clay too. When politicians learn that it is a mistake to pretend they are the second coming?

Anonymous said...

To Grillo

You are right, Jesus would probably not be happy with Capitalism and would be upset with how Man operates any economic system without employing moral or ethics.

But the questions becomes whose morals and ethics? or are they relative to what one personally believes? In other words, who holds the standard?

If we can't answer that basic question then regardless of the economic system tyranny will abound.